Projetos de Investigação

Projetos de investigação

Fomento de la economía circular y las energías renovables mediante la digestión anaerobia de residuos y subproductos orgánicos en la Macaronesia


Resumo Inglês
In macaronesia there is an important production of animal by-products and derivatives, which are produced as a consequence of livestock activity and related transformation processes. At present, most of these by-products, corresponding to livestock waste, are poorly managed by producers, which has an important environmental impact on the natural environment, affecting biodiversity, soils, groundwater and the atmosphere. Part of these by-products is managed through a temporary exception to European law. It is therefore necessary to find solutions to this situation, which furthermore negatively affects the productive economy of the producers of these by-products. This project aims to find methodologies that allow changing the current dynamics, resulting in better conservation and restoration of the Macaronesian natural environment and reducing the environmental impact of the primary sector, especially in the context of expected climate change.

47 meses

Entidade Executora
Instituto de Investigação de Tecnologias Agrárias e do Ambiente

Investigador Responsável
Carlos Fernando Mimoso Vouzela

Programa de Financiamento
INTERREG V-A MAC 2014-2020

Entidade Gestora

Rede integrada de formação para a modernização das Ciências Agrárias - Agro@TecVerde


Resumo Inglês
Informação não disponível.

23 meses

Entidade Executora
Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e do Ambiente

Investigador Responsável
Alfredo Emílio Silveira de Borba

Programa de Financiamento
Plano de Recuperação e Resiliência

Entidade Gestora

Desenvolvimento da aquicultura sustentável, integrada e inovadora na Macaronésia: Pesquisa e desenvolvimento para promover a produção de invertebrados marinhos de interesse comercial


Resumo Inglês
The project aims to create a Macaronesian platform for the exchange of sustainable aquaculture techniques, consolidated around research in the design, assembly and technical improvement of larval and post larval invertebrate production systems. Target species will be Abalone (Haliotis tuberculata coccinea), limpet (Patella aspera) and hedgehog (Paracentrotus lividus). Different macroalgae production systems will also be tested at the laboratory and pilot scale as they are at the base of the food chain of the above species. It is also intended to test different types of diets and substrates to optimize larval and post larval survival, fixation and growth.

48 meses

Entidade Executora
Instituto de Investigação em Ciências do Mar - Okeanos

Investigador Responsável
Eduardo José Louçã Florêncio Isidro

Programa de Financiamento
INTERREG V-A MAC 2014-2020

Entidade Gestora

Identificación, análisis de riesgo, formación y sensibilización sobre potenciales plagas de cuarentena y plagas reguladas no de cuarentena en los principales cultivos de las regiones de estudio


Resumo Inglês
With the execution of the CUARENTAGRI project, it is intended to recognize the pests that may affect the different regions that make up the study areas (Azores, Madeira, Canary Islands, Cape Verde and Senegal), either for imports of vegetables from third countries or because of the new communications existing between the different regions, more and more frequent due to the tourist boom in these areas.

47 meses

Entidade Executora
Grupo de Biodiversidade dos Açores

Investigador Responsável
David João Horta Lopes

Programa de Financiamento
INTERREG V-A MAC 2014-2020

Entidade Gestora

Potencial aprovechamiento de biomasa generada a partir de especies vegetales invasoras de la Macaronesia para uso industrial

Inv2Mac - UAc

Resumo Inglês
Industrial use of biomass generated by invasive plant species present in Macaronesia, such as sugarcane (Arundo donax L.), cactus (Opuntia), cattail (Pennisetum setaceum), content (Hedychium gardnerianum), ricino (Ricinus communis L.), acacia (Acacia dealbata) and incienso (Pitiosporum undulatum). Structural characterization of different species of plants to study: determination of lignin acid detergent fiber, neutral detergent fiber, ash, protein content, further determine the potential bioactive content substances (antioxidants and polyphenolic compounds) in them. Tests to improve plant material properties: Modifications will be made to plant material through chemical treatments to improve its composition and / or digestibility. In vitro digestibility tests of different materials will be performed before and after the treatments applied.

46 meses

Entidade Executora
Instituto de Investigação de Tecnologias Agrárias e do Ambiente

Investigador Responsável
Alfredo Emílio Silveira de Borba

Programa de Financiamento
INTERREG V-A MAC 2014-2020

Entidade Gestora



Resumo Inglês
Informação não disponível.

24 meses

Entidade Executora
Instituto de Investigação de Tecnologias Agrárias e do Ambiente

Investigador Responsável
Alfredo Emílio Silveira de Borba

Programa de Financiamento

Entidade Gestora

Melhorar a eficiência do uso de nitrogênio e o sequestro de matéria orgânica do solo para reduzir a fertilização e os insumos do solo, para melhorar a qualidade do solo

NitroOrganicToSolis - NOTS

Resumo Inglês
Informação não disponível.

23 meses

Entidade Executora
Instituto de Investigação de Tecnologias Agrárias e do Ambiente

Investigador Responsável
João da Silva Madruga

Programa de Financiamento
Plano de Recuperação e Resiliência

Entidade Gestora

Internacionalização da Investigação na Universidade dos Açores


Resumo Inglês
The UAc as a beneficiary partner of the FORWARD project - Fostering Research Excellence in EU Outermost Regions financed by Horizon 2020, intends with this operation to facilitate the integration of researchers in relevant national and European R&D organizations, commissions and thematic networks; Enhance the capacity of AUc researchers to participate in European and international projects; Contribute to the elaboration of the joint strategy foreseen in the scope of the FORWARD project.

23 meses

Entidade Executora
Ciência e Tecnologia

Investigador Responsável
Maria Gabriela Pereira da Silva Queiroz

Programa de Financiamento

Entidade Gestora

Living the Futury Academy


Resumo Inglês
Living the Futury Academy

53 meses

Entidade Executora
Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia

Investigador Responsável
Maria Manuela Medeiros Lima

Programa de Financiamento
Plano de Recuperação e Resiliência

Entidade Gestora

Red de excelencia en biotecnología azul (algas) de la Región macaronésica consolidación, certificación y transferência


Resumo Inglês
During a project execution REBECA melhoraram-se as infestruturas cientificas da Região Macaronésica e potenciou-se to scientific excellence two Research Centers involved no project. Aperfeiçoaram-se as cultivation techniques and production of microalgae biomass, and prototyping of products with potential for serem marketed in the cosmetic, agricultural industry, etc. Estabeleceram-se ainda colaborações com companies do setor. It becomes important to deepen or develop links and synergies between companies through dissemination and dissemination of two scientific results obtained and technologies developed not projected REBECA. It is equally important to consolidate the new cultivation collections raised by Açores, Madeira and Cape Verde. On the other hand, apos or first contact with the members of Mauritânia and its needs, I do not propose REBECA-CCT to proceed to the laboratory and adequacy of a laboratory for or isolating and cultivating microalgae in Mauritânia

50 meses

Entidade Executora
Centro de Investigação em Biodiversidade e Recursos Genéticos - Açores

Investigador Responsável
Vítor Manuel Costa Gonçalves

Programa de Financiamento
INTERREG V-A MAC 2014-2020

Entidade Gestora



Resumo Inglês
Informação não disponível.

35 meses

Entidade Executora
Centro de Biotecnologia dos Açores

Investigador Responsável
Duarte Nuno Toubarro Tiago

Programa de Financiamento
Plano de Recuperação e Resiliência

Entidade Gestora


Seriola Innovative Atlantic Aquaculture - SIA2


Resumo Inglês
Seriola Innovative Atlantic Aquaculture ? SIA2

16 meses

Entidade Executora
Grupo de Biodiversidade dos Açores

Investigador Responsável
José Manuel Viegas de Oliveira Neto Azevedo

Programa de Financiamento

Entidade Gestora


Agricultura sustentável e segurança alimentar na Macaronésia


Resumo Inglês
Sustainable agriculture and food safety in Macaronesia: Investigating the benefits and risks of consuming plant products for consumer health and developing hazard minimization strategies.

59 meses

Entidade Executora
Grupo de Biodiversidade dos Açores

Investigador Responsável
David João Horta Lopes

Programa de Financiamento
INTERREG V-A MAC 2014-2020

Entidade Gestora

Desarrollo de biopesticidas botánicos que conjuga la innovación con el saber popular, generando una plataforma de innovación y excelencia que promueva una agricultura sostenible en la Macaronesia


Resumo Inglês
The project aims to study Macaronesia's botanical resources for more potent, selective and environmentally friendly biopesticides. The project begins with a series of interviews with farmers about the traditional use of Macaronesian plants for this purpose (we already have some work done in the Azores, but more about medicinal uses). Based on this information and complementary scientific data, a selection, collection and cultivation of the most interesting Macaronesian plants for the control of agricultural and forest pests will be made. This is followed by the extraction, optimization and characterization of the most effective and selective extracts, including a battery of experiments on pests that are thought to most affect the economy of the three Regions. It also includes workshops for farmers and other stakeholders to apply the results obtained.

47 meses

Entidade Executora
Grupo de Biodiversidade dos Açores

Investigador Responsável
Maria do Carmo Roque Lino Felgueiras Barreto

Programa de Financiamento
INTERREG V-A MAC 2014-2020

Entidade Gestora

Atlas de Biología Reproductiva de la Flora Macaronésica

Macflor2 - UAc

Resumo Inglês
The Atlas Reproductive Biology of the Macaronesian Flora will be directed to the investigation of the two great "pillars" of that botanical discipline: sexual systems (SS) and self-incompatibility systems (SI) in Macaronesian island taxa, where studies have not done more to start (MACFLOR project, ongoing). This research is based on reproductive models for the detection of population reproductive success (viable seeds and vigorous progeny) and / or potential reproductive failure due to the disappearance of certain individuals susceptible to produce fertile crosses. The project is of great interest for the Conservation because it will generate effective recovery strategies. Macflor2 will contribute to the knowledge of reproductive systems in unexplored species by providing new data for the detection of possible reproductive failures as one of the threat risks of macaronesic endemics, data that will be incorporated into the Atlas files.

49 meses

Entidade Executora
Centro de Investigação em Biodiversidade e Recursos Genéticos - Açores

Investigador Responsável
Mónica Maria Tavares de Moura

Programa de Financiamento
INTERREG V-A MAC 2014-2020

Entidade Gestora

ASOA-Azorean Smart Oceanic Aquaculture


Resumo Inglês
ASOA-Azorean Smart Oceanic Aquaculture

16 meses

Entidade Executora
Grupo de Biodiversidade dos Açores

Investigador Responsável
José Manuel Viegas de Oliveira Neto Azevedo

Programa de Financiamento

Entidade Gestora




Resumo Inglês
Informação não disponível.

18 meses

Entidade Executora
Grupo de Biodiversidade dos Açores

Investigador Responsável
José Manuel Viegas de Oliveira Neto Azevedo

Programa de Financiamento

Entidade Gestora


Fomento de la actividad ecoturística de whale watching como modelo de desarrollo económico sostenible mediante la protección y conservación de las poblaciones de cetáceos y su puesta en valor como patrimonio natural


Resumo Inglês
O MARCET project was created to disseminate science and technology to promote or develop and develop sustainable tourism associated with whale watching, raising the MARCET network to integrate, harmonize and optimize or condemnation, infrastructure and practical practices in the region. The MARCET II project has a long history or objective of endorsing the fat of the cliff for the preservation of two cetaceans assim how to increase the value of the whale watching activity in the region. The first objective integrates or uses advanced techniques of operational oceanography and monitoring and sanitary surveillance, using alvo or roaz species as a pilot-baleia. Objective 2 focuses on the dissemination of cetacean diversity in the region and on conscientiousness about the importance of protecting and conserving marine areas on which residences. Objective 3 directly affects or reinforces the activity of observing cetaceans as a model of sustainable economic development in the Macaronésia region.

47 meses

Entidade Executora
Grupo de Biodiversidade dos Açores

Investigador Responsável
José Manuel Viegas de Oliveira Neto Azevedo

Programa de Financiamento
INTERREG V-A MAC 2014-2020

Entidade Gestora

Seguimiento, control y mitigación de proliferaciones de organismos marinos asociadas a perturbaciones humanas y cambio climático en la Región Macaronésica


Resumo Inglês
As it has been verified with the execution of the MIMAR project, several scientific studies have shown an accelerated process of tropicalization of the marine biota in the macaronesian area, correlated with the increase in the sea surface temperature. This has favored the arrival of species from tropical areas and the natural expansion of their distribution. In this way, new species populate the marine habitats, being able to modify the ecosystems and affecting the uses and activities of the coast, and human health. These agencies arrive by their own means or favored by maritime transport. To conserve biodiversity and protect the health of the inhabitants of the region, it is necessary to know and measure the changes that are occurring in the most important habitats, identifying new threats to health and human activities with the execution of the MIMAR project, now it is necessary to deepen early detection and acting

47 meses

Entidade Executora
Grupo de Biodiversidade dos Açores

Investigador Responsável
Ana Isabel de Melo Azevedo Neto

Programa de Financiamento
INTERREG V-A MAC 2014-2020

Entidade Gestora

Mitigación del cambio climático a través de la innovación en el ciclo del agua mediante tecnologías bajas en carbono


Resumo Inglês
MITIMAC's scope of action is based on analyzing the interactions between Climate Change-Water-Energy-Food. The main trustees of this project are the public research organizations, as well as the technological centers, government bodies and other entities related to the sector. Among the main actions to be carried out are, among others, the promotion of research and innovation in sustainable energies, energy efficiency and their integration in the water cycle; intending to opmizar the integral water cycle, in all its stages from the energetic point of view. One of the main expected results is not only the improvement of the cycle from the energy point of view, but the development of a low-carbon economy and obtaining a comprehensive Zero-Net Carbon cycle.

37 meses

Entidade Executora
Instituto de Investigação de Tecnologias Agrárias e do Ambiente

Investigador Responsável
Sílvia Alexandra Bettencourt de Sousa de Quadros

Programa de Financiamento
INTERREG V-A MAC 2014-2020

Entidade Gestora

Consolidar corpo de investigadores em Ciências do Mar nos Açores


Resumo Inglês
The main objective of this action is focused on the consolidation of the lines of research that are structuring for Okeanos-UAc and that contributed to reach the level of excellence recently reached, and that are simultaneously strategic areas for the UAc and for the Region. This consolidation will be achieved through the hiring of 10 researchers, with skills at the level of Assistant Researcher career, with a proven profile and experience in the priority scientific areas, with high quality scientific production and demonstrating an in-depth knowledge of the Azores marine ecosystems, as well as regional, national and European public policies in this field.

35 meses

Entidade Executora
Instituto de Investigação em Ciências do Mar - Okeanos

Investigador Responsável
Gui Manuel Machado Menezes

Programa de Financiamento

Entidade Gestora

1.685.380,26 euros



Resumo Inglês
Informação não disponível.

23 meses

Entidade Executora
Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia

Investigador Responsável
Maria Manuela Medeiros Lima

Programa de Financiamento
Plano de Recuperação e Resiliência

Entidade Gestora

Vermicomposto, composto e biocarvão, ferramentas para adaptação às mudanças climáticas, prevenção e mitigação dos efeitos derivados de riscos naturais no ambiente agrícola e florestal


Resumo Inglês
The potential of incorporating local organic residues transformed through simple methodologies based on biological (compost and vermicompost) and physical (biochar) processes to improve their physicochemical and biological properties and facilitate the regeneration of the soil will be evaluated in agricultural and forestry soils. same. To this end, the organic waste available in each area will be defined and analyzed, the processed products obtained and their effect on the properties of the soils will be characterized, mainly in their capacity for water retention and carbon sequestration, in addition to assessing their capacity for the regeneration of degraded and contaminated soils (previously identified). Innovative techniques will also be developed that take advantage of local plant residues to favor reforestation. All these actions will be combined with awareness campaigns and training in local populations on soil conservation and regeneration strategies.

51 meses

Entidade Executora
Centro de Biotecnologia dos Açores

Investigador Responsável
Paulo Ferreira Mendes Monjardino

Programa de Financiamento
INTERREG V-A MAC 2014-2020

Entidade Gestora

Fortalecimento das capacidades de I+D+i para a monitorização da atividade vulcânica na Macaronésia


Resumo Inglês
The main objective of the VOLRISKMAC project is to strengthen the capacities for monitoring volcanic activity, in order to improve the early warning system against volcanic eruptions and seismovolcanic crises, as well as the management of volcanic crises in Macaronesia.

47 meses

Entidade Executora
Instituto de Investigação em Vulcanologia e Avaliação de Riscos

Investigador Responsável
Maria Gabriela Pereira da Silva Queiroz

Programa de Financiamento
INTERREG V-A MAC 2014-2020

Entidade Gestora