Master in International Relations: The Euro-Atlantic Space

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The master's course in international relations has two integrated goals. On the one hand, it aims to promote the interest of students by scientific research in the various spheres of international relations, required by the growing interdependence of regional, national and international decision-making centres, as well by the importance for the critical exercise of citizenship and for the integrated development of populations. On the other hand, seeks to respond to the concerns of many of the senior workers of public service, and of corporate sector, as well as recent graduates that aim to deepen their scientific and technical preparation and acquire skills to the level of scientific research so as to enable themselves to exercise of functions, both in public organizations and in private companies in the region, the country, the European institutions and international organizations.


The overall objectives of the master in International Relations: The Euro-Atlantic Space aims at the acquisition of knowledge in various fields of international relations, the development of critical and reflective capacity on the most relevant issues in the framework of IR and, above all, to ensure the competencies required by the research work in the field of IR, the preparation and execution of research works with rigor and originality and the preparation and defence of a dissertation. These objectives are operationalized in four learning expected results: objectives and transversal skills; of the specific domain of international relations; of the scientific methodology and of the in-depth research.

Admission Requirements

Those who meet the following conditions may apply to the cycle of studies that leads to the mestre degree: a) Holders of a licenciado (bachelor) degree or legal equivalent; b) Holders of an academic, scientific or professional curriculum vitae that is recognized by the Scientific Council as attesting the capacity to carry out this cycle of studies

Professional Opportunities

Performance of functions both at the level of the Regional Government and at the level of the Central Government, within the scope of the External Relations of the Region and the Portuguese State; Performance of functions in European and international institutions; Specialist in international relations in private companies.


Ponta Delgada

Course Code


ECTS Credits



2 Years

Study Regime

Full-time attendance, presence required in after-work schedule


  • Agência de Avaliação e Acreditação do Ensino Superior
  • ACEF/1819/0204262
  • Direcção Geral de Ensino Superior
  • R/A-Ef 2862/2011 de 18-03-2011

Study Program

Code Name Year Semester
02016247Geopolitics and World Order1st year1st semester
02016270Methodologies of Scientific Work in International Relations1st year1st semester
02016264Political and Diplomatic History1st year1st semester
02016253Theory of International Relations. From the Polis to the Atlantic Community1st year1st semester
02016307Europe, the United States of America and the Atlantic Space1st year2nd semester
02016281Human Rights and the Contemporary International System1st year2nd semester
02016292Portugal and the Transatlantic Relationship1st year2nd semester
02016335Thesis2nd yearYearly
02016318Orientation Seminar I2nd year1st semester
02016329Orientation Seminar II2nd year2nd semester

Optional Curricular Subjects

Code Name Year Semester
02016371Ethics and International Relations1st year2nd semester
02016354International Law.1st year2nd semester
02016382Lusophony and Community Construction1st year2nd semester
0201032Negotiation and Communication1st year2nd semester
02016393The United Nations System1st year2nd semester
02016360Tourism and Development1st year2nd semester