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a. Critically analyze the findings in the scientific area of nursing to which the course refers
b. Develop the ability to research, understand, analyze, interpret and solve problems in the scientific area of nursing
c. Build research in the context of specific and autonomous competences of the specialist and ESMO, contributing to the practice of specialized nursing
d. Systematize the steps and results through the writing of the dissertation 

e. Disseminate knowledge arising from the results of nursing research
f. Contribute to the implementation of new intervention dynamics, guiding the definition of health policies based on research results
g. Develop oral communication and argumentation skills through public presentation and discussion


They will be all those taught during the 1st year, as well as those addressed during seminars or tutorials that contribute to student learning.

Teaching Methodologies

The student will be guided by an professor in the completion of the Dissertation, based on the development of research skills, critical and reflective thinking and writing. The dissertation will be subject to public appreciation and discussion, before a jury made up of three elements, including the supervisor. The assessment is, fundamentally, an assessment of the learning results, demonstrated through the written document - dissertation - and its presentation and discussion.


Liamputtong P.Handbook of Research Methods in Health Social Sciences. Editors Pranee Liamputtong; 2019. Marconi M, Lakatos. E.
Fundamentos de Metodologia Científica.8ª ed. Edição: Editora Atlas; 2019.
Masanja N.Practical Handbook to Dissertation and Thesis Writing.NMM Printers; 2019.
Néné M, Sequeira C. Investigação em Enfermagem: teoria e prática. Lisboa: Lidel – Edições Técnicas; 2022
Pocinho. Metodologia de investigação e comunicação do conhecimento científico. Lisboa: Lidel – Edições Técnicas; 2012.
Polit D, Beck C. Nursing Research 11 ed. Wolters Kulwer; 2019.
Real de Oliveira, Ferreira. Métodos de investigação: Da interrogação à descoberta científica. Porto: Vida Económica; 2014.
Sousa, Baptista. Como fazer investigação, dissertações, teses e relatórios: Segundo Bolonha. Lisboa: PACTOR - Edições de Ciências
Sociais, Forenses e da Educação; 2016
Vilelas J. Investigação - O processo de Construção do Conhecimento.3ª ed. Lisboa: Edições Sílabo; 2020.



ECTS Credits



  • Orientação Tutorial - 80 hours
  • Seminário - 15 hours
  • Trabalho de Campo - 60 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Dissertation: 50%
  • Presentation and Discussion: 50%