Ecografia Obstétrica e Ginecológica para ESMO

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This curricular unit is structured to provide students with skills and abilities that allow them to understand the importance of using ultrasound in specialized nursing, in order to:

- Acquire basic theoretical knowledge in the area of Ultrasound in Gynecology and Obstetrics;

- Identify the technical procedures used in the scope of Ultrasonography;


- Introduction to ultrasound in Gynecology and Obstetrics (general concepts)
- International Standards
- Basic principles and safety of ultrasound diagnosis in obstetrics and gynecology
- Interaction of ultrasound with living tissue
- Types of Probes
- The Doppler
- Safety
- Human factors and ergonomics
- Non-medical use
- Advanced Techniques: 4D ultrasound; Hysterosonography; Doppler ultrasound; Invasive procedures; telemedicine
- Ultrasound in Obstetrics: Fetal number (chorioamnionicity if multiple pregnancy); fetal biometry; Fetal presentation; Documentation of fetal
heart activity; Appearance and location of the placenta; Assessment of amniotic fluid volume; fetal anatomy
- Ultrasound in Gynecology: benign versus malignant adnexal masses; Pregnancy of unknown location; Ultrasonographic evaluation of the normal menstrual cycle; Endometrial evaluation for malignant or premalignant disease

Teaching Methodologies

During the development of the CU, an attempt is made to promote active and participatory learning, privileging interaction and the integration of knowledge. In theoretical teaching sessions, the expository method is used to present the contents and start the discussion or, at the end of the debate, carry out a synthesis, based on the concepts and principles inherent to ultrasound in this area. In the theoreticalpractical hours, theoretical knowledge is articulated with the practice of the various exercises (simulation) in ultrasound. For the hours of autonomous work, materials will be made available to help deepen or consolidate knowledge.


- Freitas F; et al. Rotinas em Ginecologia. São Paulo. Artmed Editora; 2017.
- Graça L [et al]. Medicina Materno Fetal. (5ª ed.) Lisboa, Lidel – Edições Técnicas, Lda; 2017.
- Mota F. Compêndio de Ginecologia Oncológica. Lidel; 2012.
- Néné M, Marques R, Margarida A. Enfermagem de Saúde Materna e Obstétrica. Lisboa: Lidel – Edições Técnicas, Lda; 2016.
- Neves J. Obstetrícia Fundamental. Lisboa: Lidel – Edições Técnicas, Lda; 2020.
- Oliveira CF, Oliveira MC, Romão F. Ginecologia, contracepção e menopausa: Casos clínicos. Lidel. Lisboa; 2013.
- Salomon L, [et al]. ISUOG Practice Guidelines: performance of first-trimester fetal ultrasound scan. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2013; 41: 102–113.
- Salomon L, [et al]. ISUOG Practice Guidelines: ultrasound assessment of fetal biometry and growth. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2019; 53: 715–723.
- Sequeira A, Pousa O, Amaral C. Procedimentos de Enfermagem em Saúde Materna e Obstétrica. Lisboa: Lidel – Edições Técnicas, Lda; 2020.



ECTS Credits



  • Orientação Tutorial - 5 hours
  • Teóricas - 15 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 20 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Individual and/or Group Work: 60%
  • Presentation and discussion of group work: 40%