Pedagogia e Supervisão Clínica em Enfermagem

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1. Develop knowledge in the application of education models for health and citizenship in the context of promoting women's/family health throughout the reproductive cycle
2. Develop methodological skills necessary for the construction of the training intervention project (PIF)
3. Plan the activities inherent to the achievement of the project, emphasizing the practice of specialized nursing
4. Elaborate the training intervention project
5. Develop oral communication and argumentation skills
6. Develop a critical-reflexive attitude about the personal and interpersonal dimension in the clinical supervision process.


- The formal and informal in health education and citizenship: theories and strategies
- Concepts, planning and programming of pedagogical activities.
- Organization of training: Survey of training needs, preparation of the plan, implementation and evaluation of training.
- Project methodology
- About competence and certification of competences
- Critical/reflective thinking in clinical supervision
- Reflection on supervisory practice scenarios

Teaching Methodologies

During the development of the UC, the aim is to promote active and participatory learning, favoring the interaction and integration of knowledge, in order to promote the clarification and analysis of concepts inherent to health education and clinical supervision. In theoretical teaching sessions, the expository method is used to present the contents and start the discussion or, at the end of the debate, carry out its synthesis. Theoretical-practical hours are intended for the construction of training intervention projects, complemented by individualized tutorial guidance.
For the hours of autonomous work, materials will be made available to help deepen or consolidate knowledge.


Carvalhal R. Parcerias na formação. Papel dos orientadores clínicos: Perspectiva dos actores. Lisboa: Lusociência; 2003.
Carvalho A, Carvalho G. Educação para a saúde: Conceitos, práticas e necessidades de formação - um estudo sobre as práticas de Educação para a saúde, dos enfermeiros. Loures: Lusociência; 2006.
Freshwater D, Taylor B, Sherwood G. International Textbook of Reflective Practice in Nursing. Hoboken, Nova Jersey, EUA: Blackwell Pub;
Johns. Becoming a reflective practitioner (5th ed.). Chichester: John Wiley and Sons; 2017.
Lynch L, Hancox K, Happell B, Parker J. Clinical Supervision for Nurses. Chichester. UK: Wiley-Blackwell; 2008.
Milne. Evidence-based clinical supervision: Principles and practice. Chichester: BPS Blackwell; 2009.
Nogueira C, Silva I. Cidadania: Construção de novas práticas em contexto educativo. Porto: Edições Asa; 2001.
Rodrigues M, Pereira A, Barroso T. Educação para a saúde: Formação pedagógica de educadores de saúde. Coimbra: Formasau; 2005.



ECTS Credits



  • Orientação Tutorial - 7 hours
  • Teóricas - 25 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 10 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Individual and/or Group Work: 50%
  • Presentation and Discussion: 50%