Enfermagem de Neonatologia

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1. Develop skills in providing care to the newborn;
2. Acquire skills that allow the diagnosis of neonatal risk situations;
3. Know how to intervene according to the current guidelines in newborn resuscitation;
4. Know the environmental strategies to promote the development of the newborn.


- Historical evolution of neonatal care.
- Adaptation of the newborn to extrauterine life.
- Classification and characteristics of the newborn.
- Neonatal physiology and pathology.
- Newborn health problems.
- Environment in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit;
- Developmental care.
- Parenting in Neonatology.
- Neonatal resuscitation.
- Protection, promotion and support in breastfeeding.
- Support in feeding with LHA.
- Growth and development of the newborn.

Teaching Methodologies

During the development of the CU, an attempt is made to promote active and participatory learning, privileging interaction and the integration of knowledge. In theoretical teaching sessions, the expository method is used to present the contents and start the discussion or, at the end of the debate, carry out its synthesis. In the theoretical-practical hours, theoretical knowledge is articulated with simulated practice.
For the hours of autonomous work, materials will be made available to help deepen or consolidate knowledge.


Diaz ZM, Fernandes SMGC, Correia S. Dificuldades dos pais com bebés internados numa Unidade de Neonatologia. Revista de Enfermagem Referência.2014, Série IV: 85-93.
Instituto Nacional de Emergência Médica. Manual de Suporte Básico de Vida Pediátrico. Departamento de Formação em Emergência Médica. Versão 3.0. 1ª Edição; 2017.
KleinV, Gaspardo C, Linhares M. Dor, autoregulação e temperamento em recém- nascidos pré-termo de alto risco. Psicologia: reflexão e
critica. 2011; 24(3): 504-512.
Nightlinger K. (2011). Developmentally Supportive Care in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit: An Occupational Therapist’s Role. Neonatal Network. 2011; 30(4): 243-248.
Roque SSG, Costa MGFA. Preparação dos pais para o cuidado ao recém-nascido após a alta: avaliação dos registos de enfermagem. Milenium. 2014: 47-60.
Silva CAB, Moraes SR, Chaves EMC [et al]. Alta hospitalar e o cuidado do recém-nascido prematuro no domicílio: vivência materna. Esc Anna Nery. 2013; 17(2): 277-283.



ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 20 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 10 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Individual and/or Group Work: 60%
  • Presentation and discussion of group work: 40%