Enfermagem de Ginecologia e Senologia

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1. Deepen knowledge in the area of Gynecology and Senology
2. Promote gynecological health in ESMO's areas of activity
3. Promote better adaptation in a situation of chronic illness
4. Participate in case discussions by applying critical thinking and ethical principles;
5. Act to meet your training needs


Anatomophysiology and alterations of the genitourinary system.
Epidemiology of gynecological disease.
Psychosocial aspects of women with gynecological and breast disorders.
Infectious processes of the genitourinary system and the breast.
Endocrine processes of the reproductive system – changes in the menstrual cycle in adolescence and premenstrual syndrome.
Oncological processes of the reproductive system and breast.
Complementary diagnostic tests.
Medical and surgical treatments in gynecology and breast.
Screenings in Gynecology and Senology.
Referral network in gynecology and Senology.
Climacteric: physiology and clinical manifestations; women's health; sociocultural aspects in the climacteric and aging period, healthy lifestyles; complementary diagnostic tests;
therapy during the climacteric period: HRT, non-hormonal therapy and complementary medicines;
Complications, gynecological pathology and sexually transmitted infections in the climacteric.

Teaching Methodologies

During the development of the CU, an attempt is made to promote active and participatory learning, privileging interaction and the integration of knowledge. In theoretical teaching sessions, the expository method is used to present the contents and start the discussion or, at the end of the debate, carry out its synthesis. In the theoretical-practical hours, theoretical knowledge is articulated with the practice of skills using simulation.
For the hours of autonomous work, materials will be made available to help deepen or consolidate knowledge.


Albuquerque E, Cabral S. Psico-Oncologia: Temas fundamentais. Lisboa. Lidel; 2015.
Borrego J, Paula T, Correia L. Atlas de Vulva. Lisboa: Lidel – Edições Técnicas; 2017.
Dias M, Durá E. Territórios da Psicologia oncológica. Vol1. Lisboa. Climepsi; 2014.
Dias M, Durá E. Territórios da Psicologia oncológica. Vol2. Lisboa. Climepsi; 2014.
Freitas F; et al. Rotinas em Ginecologia. São Paulo. Artmed Editora; 2017.
Mota F. Compêndio de Ginecologia Oncológica. Lisboa: Lidel – Edições Técnicas; 2012.
Neves J. Contracepção. Lisboa: Lidel – Edições Técnicas; 2014.
O'Reilly B [et al]. Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. Loures: Lusodidacta; 2008.
Silva M. Relatório de saúde reprodutiva: O estado da saúde sexual e reprodutiva na União Europeia. Paço de Arcos.Merck Sharp & Dohme; 2013.
Sousa S; Faustino F. Endometriose: a doença das mil faces. Lisboa: Lidel – Edições Técnicas; 2020.
Oliveira CF, Oliveira MC, Romão F. Ginecologia, contracepção e menopausa: Casos clínicos. Lisboa: Lidel – Edições Técn



ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 30 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 10 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Individual and/or Group Work: 60%
  • Presentation and discussion of group work: 40%