Sexualidade no Ciclo de Vida

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1. Understand the development of sexuality throughout the life cycle.
2. Promote sexual and reproductive health.
3. Develop action strategies in the area of sexual health.
4. Raise awareness of non-normative and coercive sexual behaviors.
5. Use sexuality as a focus of intervention.
6. Develop a critical and reflective attitude.
7. Develop capacities for ethical decision-making related to respect for the rights and dignity of the person.


Perspectives on human sexuality
main classical theories
Functions of sexuality: communication, pleasure and reproduction
Human, sexual and reproductive rights
Integrative model of female and male sexual functioning
Sexuality in childhood and adolescence.
Sexuality in adulthood and in the climacteric.
Problems associated with sexuality and gender inequalities, dysfunctions, violence and sexually transmitted infections
Epidemiology in sexual and reproductive health
Sexuality and sexual and reproductive health
Theories and strategies of education for sexual and reproductive health
Principles of universal access to sexual and reproductive health
Accessibility to sexual and reproductive health services
Social determinants, barriers and facilitating factors in sexual and reproductive health
contraceptive counseling
Sexual and reproductive health screening programs
Coercive or non-normative sexual behaviors
minority sexualities

Teaching Methodologies

Different and complementary teaching-learning strategies will be mobilized, as well as theoretical information structured by the teacher, document analysis and presentation of clinical cases.


Albuquerque A. Minorias eróticas e Agressores Sexuais. Lisboa. Dom Quixote. 2006
Ferreira P, Cabral M (organizadores). Sexualidade em Portugal – Comportamentos e Riscos. Lisboa. Bizancio. 2010
Fonseca L Sexualidade, Gravidez e Juventude edição: Edições Afrontamento, 2014
Klobucka AM, Sabine,M. O Corpo em Pessoa Corporalidade, género, sexualidade. Assírio & Alvim. 2010
Maceiras M, Ribeiro J Sexualidade e Gravidez, in. Enfermagem de Saúde Materna e Obstétrica (Néné M, Marques R, Batista M.) Lisboa: Lidel – Edições Técnicas, Lda. 2016
Maceiras M et all Atitudes face à homossexualidade: uma proposta de avaliação para a intervenção socioeducativa. Revista Eletróncia
Graduação e pós graduação em Educação UFG/REG , 2017, vol 13, nº 2, (1-22)
Sánchez López F. Amores Y desamores – Sexualidad y afectos en la vejez. Madrid. Pirámide. 2012
Santos AC, Fontes F, Martins BS, Santos AL Mulheres, Sexualidade, Deficiência - Os interditos da cidadania íntima. edição: Edições Almedina, 2019



ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 30 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 10 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Apresentação e discussão do trabalho: 60%
  • Individual and/or Group Work: 40%