Preparação para o Parto

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1. Play a dynamic role in the development and support in the context of the preparation of the pregnant couple for Parenthood
2. Apply techniques of the psychoprophylactic method
3. Develop comfort techniques to be adopted in labor
4. Develop postpartum comfort techniques


- Concept of parenting
- Repercussions of parenting on conjugality
- Exercise and well-being in pregnancy
- Childbirth education
- Birth plan| Birth
- Preparing the pregnant couple for parenthood: scientific bases in the psychoprophylactic method; practice relaxation techniques
Comfort techniques in labor: application of the psychoprophylactic method, chromotherapy; aromatherapy; music therapy; hydrotherapy; birth ball; rebozo; practical exercises
- Techniques of comfort in the postpartum period: scientific bases of postpartum recovery; pelvic floor wellness and toning exercises

Teaching Methodologies

During the development of the CU, an attempt is made to promote active and participatory learning, privileging interaction and the integration of knowledge. In theoretical teaching sessions, the expository method is used to present the contents and start the discussion or, at the end of the debate, carry out its synthesis. In the theoretical-practical hours, theoretical knowledge is articulated with the practice of the various exercises, in the gym.
For the hours of autonomous work, materials will be made available to help deepen or consolidate knowledge.


Camargo J [et al]. Perineal outcomes and its associated variables of water births versus non-water births: a cross-sectional study. Rev.
Bras. Saúde Mater. Infant., Recife, 19 (4): 777-786 out-dez., 2019.
Camargo J, Varela V, Néné M, Grande C [et al]. Third stage of waterbirth: observational study. In: Proceedings of the 4th IPLeiria’s
International Health Congress, 11 to 12 of May 2018. Leiria. BMC Health Services Research, 2018, v. 18, p. 21. DOI: 10.1186/s12913-018-34448.
Livro de Bolso EESMO/Parteiras. Ordem dos Enfermeiros; 2015.
Livro de Bolso: Programas de Preparação para o Parto, Adaptação à Parentalidade e ao Pós-Parto. Ordem dos Enfermeiros; 2019.
Néné M, Marques R, Batista M. Enfermagem de Saúde Materna e Obstétrica. Lisboa: Lidel – Edições Técnicas, Lda; 2016.
Rodrigues S, Néné M. The place of episiotomy in history: A sore review. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice Vol. 9, No. 4; 2019.



ECTS Credits



  • Orientação Tutorial - 5 hours
  • Teóricas - 15 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 20 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Continuous assessment: 20%
  • Individual and/or Group Work: 40%
  • Presentation and discussion of group work: 40%