Socioantropologia da Família

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1. Acquire knowledge in the area of social and cultural aspects of families
2. Acquire knowledge that enables the student to identify risk situations in terms of conjugality
3. Identify risk situations taking into account the diversity of family models
4. Acquire knowledge that enables the student to promote favorable environments for the experience of positive parenting


- Family, Society and Culture
- Families and vulnerable groups.
- Diversity of family models
- The Family in Contemporary Societies
- Family and Marriage
- Family and Parenting
- Parenting protection legislation
- Legal protection of mother and child
- Immunization of target groups.
- Protection and promotion of health in families/community and in vulnerable groups.
- Community networks and resources.
- Strategies to empower groups and communities.

Teaching Methodologies

The methodology of the teaching sessions alternates between expository and analytical resources with the analysis of scientific articles promoting reflection and group debate. These methodologies will allow the understanding of theoretical content and its applicability in clinical practice, promoting the well-being of citizens.


Amaro F. Introdução à Sociologia da Família. UTL, 2006
Amaro F. Socilogia da Família. Pactor, 2014
Dias I. Sociologia da Família. Pactor, 2015
Gualda [et al]. Nascimento: Perspetivas Antropológicas. Icone Editora, 2017



ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 15 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 10 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Individual and/or Group Work: 40%
  • Presentation and discussion of group work: 60%