Psicologia da Gravidez e Parentalidade

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1. Acquire knowledge about psychological changes during pregnancy and postpartum.
2. Recognize cultural aspects of pregnancy, delivery and postpartum.
3. Promote bonding during pregnancy and after birth.
4. Deepen knowledge about the transition to parenthood.
5. Develop skills in psychological support in a pathology situation.
6. Apply knowledge in a case study.
7. Recognize situations that need multidisciplinary support.


- Gender, citizenship and health.
- Construction of femininities and masculinities.
- Psychosocial changes in pregnancy and impact on the family.
- Cultural and psychological aspects in the four stages of labor.
- Preparation for parenting and promotion and early attachment.
- Parenting as a developmental transition and implications for conjugality.
- Bonding process and family dynamics after birth.
- Psychoaffective support measures aimed at women/couples.
- Risk factors and psychological problems.
- Fetal/neonatal grieving process.
- Psychosocial aspects of women with gynecological and breast disorders.

Teaching Methodologies

Theoretical sessions aim to introduce students to the fundamental notions for acting related to psychological aspects during pregnancy and postpartum, as well as the transition to parenthood.
In the theoretical-practical sessions, the syllabus will be worked using active dynamics that include analysis and discussion of scientific articles and clinical cases.


Bowlby J. Apego: Apego e perda. São Paulo. Martins Fontes; 1990.
Canavarro M C. Psicologia da gravidez e da maternidade. Coimbra. Quarteto; 2006.
Canaval, G., Jaramillo, C., Rosero, D., & Valência, M. La teoria de las transiciones y la salud de la mujer en el embarazo y en el posparto. Aquichan, Norteamérica, 7, jun. 2009. Acedido em 16 de maio de 2019, em
Leal I. Psicologia da Gravidez e da Parentalidade, Lisboa: Fim de Século Edições; 2005.
Macedo AF, Pereira AT. Saúde Mental Perinatal. Lisboa. Lidel; 2014.
Narciso I, Ribeiro M T. Olhares sobre a Conjugalidade. Lisboa. Coisa de Ler; 2009.
Rézette S. Psicologia clínica em cuidados de Enfermagem. Loures. Lusociência; 2010.



ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 30 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 10 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Apresentação oral e discussão individual: 40%
  • Individual and/or Group Work: 60%