Ética e Deontologia em Enfermagem

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1. Acquire good practice skills related to data confidentiality with regard to: patient privacy, property, accessibility and accuracy of health data;
2. Raising awareness of the problem of activity related to Health, Disease, Life and Death of human beings;
3. Understand the principles and ethical norms (as) to support the challenges posed in the health professional / patient relationship in a perspective of therapeutic alliance.
4. Recognize ethical conditions in situations such as confidentiality, organ transplants and mental health.
5. Analyze the role of the specialist nurse in the promotion and protection of human rights;
6. Analyze the ethical-deontological responsibility of the specialist nurse in the management of safe care practices that promote the client's rights;
7. Transfer ethical and deontological knowledge in solving problem situations.


-Principles of ethics in health;
-Nurses’ Code of Ethics;
-Protection of health data and professional secrecy;
-Nurse-patient relationship: Veracity; Privacy; Confidentiality; Loyalty;
-Informed consent: Duty to clarify; Therapeutic Privilege; Right not to know; Presumptive consent;
-The legal framework of some issues related to the end of life: euthanasia, dysthanasia, decision not to resuscitate and palliative care;
-Ethical aspects of medically assisted procreation;
-Bioethics and Human Experimentation: Clinical Trials; Genetic manipulation; Embryo statute.
-Ethical decision making.
- Nursing Law
a) Legal assumptions that govern the nurse's responsibility.
b) The Right to Conscious Objection.
c) Legal constraints in particular situations such as confidentiality, organ transplants and mental health.

Teaching Methodologies

A metodologia será ativa implicando a corresponsabilização do estudante pela sua aprendizagem, de forma a torná-lo autónomo no seu processo formativo
O Seminário final permitirá fazer uma discussão alargada sobre os conteúdos que fazem parte da UC.


Beauchamp T, Childress F. Principles of Biomedical ethics. New York: Oxford University Press; 2019.
Carvalho A, Martins Pereira S, Jácomo A, Magalhães S, Araújo J, Hernández-Marrero P, Gomes C, SchatmannM. Ethical
decision making in pain management. Journal of Pain Research. 2018.11, pp. 967-976. doi:10.2147/JPR.S162926.
Dadalto J. BIOÉTICA E COVID-19 . Editora Foco; 2020
Deodato S. Direito da Saúde. 2ªed.Edições almedina; 2019.
França A, Borges E. Ética e Enfermagem do Trabalho; in Borges E (coor.). Enfermagem do Trabalho. Lisboa: LIDEL, pp. 81-90; 2018.
Neves M C, Justino D. Ética aplicada: educação. Lisboa: Edições 70; 2018.
Neves M P, Carvalho MG. (Coords.). Ética aplicada - Novas tecnologias. Lisboa: Edições 70; 2018.
Neves M P, Soares JM de O. (Coords.). Ética aplicada - Saúde. Lisboa: Edições 70; 2018.
Palácios M. Bioética, Saúde e Sociedade.Editora Fiocruz; 2019.



ECTS Credits



  • Orientação Tutorial - 4 hours
  • Seminário - 6 hours
  • Teóricas - 10 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 10 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Individual and/or Group Work: 50%
  • Presentation and Discussion: 50%