Remote sensing of the oceans

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1. To provide introductory to advanced knowledge and training in satellite oceanography.
2. Understand the process of acquisition and the nature of information of the remote sensing images
3. Know the principal types of treatments applied to remote sensing images.
4. Acquire expertise in the functionalities of image processing, by means of typical software tools.


Introduction to Ocean Remote Sensing;
Physics of Radiation; Eletromagnetic Spectrum;
Types of satellite sensors;
Types of orbits, geolocation;
Atmospheric effects, atmospheric transmission of the signal, Radiative Transfer, Signal-to-Noise ratio;
Visible waveband radiometers - Ocean Colour;
Infrared waveband radiometers - Sea Surface Temperature (SST);
Microwave waveband radiometers - SST, salinity, wind, sea ice, rain;
Satellite data processing;
Applications of ocean remote sensing data:

  • Large scale to submesoscale applications
  • Synergy applications using multiple satellite sources
  • Satellite data analysis exercises

Teaching Methodologies

The form of transmission of the program of the discipline, being this theoretical and practical, will be through the presentation of powerpoints, including whenever deemed necessary, the use of videos, as well as the practice of exercises in classes. The classes are taught in order to encourage and stimulate students to this research area, not only through theoretical "discussion" in the classroom about recent advances in the science of detection applied to the marine environment, but also through practical classes that encourage not only active participation in them, but also the support of colleagues among themselves as well as the curiosity to seek more and discover by themselves, new ideas, new applications, new ways of analysing images.

At the end the most relevant support documentation will be made available through the teaching platform "Moodle". All classes will be made available to students in &34;pdf" format where summaries are also incorporated. In each class, students will be provided with specific bibliography about the topics presented


  • Measuring the Oceans from Space: The principles and methods of satellite oceanography, Jan Robinson, 2004
  • Discovering the Ocean from Space: The Unique Applications of Satellite Oceanography, lan Robinson, 2010.
  • An Introduction to Ocean Remote Sensing. Seelye Martin. (2nd edition, 2014). Cambridge University Press. doi: 10.1017/CBO9781139094368.
  • Diapositivos disponibilizados como PDF a plataforma Moodle da UAc



ECTS Credits



  • Práticas e Laboratórios - 30 hours
  • Teóricas - 30 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Practical Exame: 25%
  • Theoretical Exame: 75%