Contexts of Practice in Psychology

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1. Identify current different contexts of psychological intervention, in order to build one’s own thinking.
2. Understand different psychological and psychosocial problems and the contexts in which they are included.
3. Reflect on community and institutional contexts and deduce implications for a grounded and personalized psychological intervention.
4. Develop psycho-educational and community intervention plans on specific issues of health and clinical psychology.
5. Deduce potentialities, limitations and implications of different intervention models in the quality of life of people in suffering, their caregivers and family members with community impact.
6. Understand the role of the psychologist in different contexts of intervention.


1. Macro contemporary social context and psychological intervention
1.1. Contexts of psychological intervention
1.2. The psychological dimension in the contexts of intervention
1.3. Psychological intervention in health and well-being promotion and clinical intervention
1.4. Potential and limits of network intervention
2. Intervention in specific contexts of psychological intervention
2.1. Concepts, values and principles of psychological intervention in differentiated contexts.
2.2. Identification and operationalization of psychological intervention in different contexts of action.
2.3. Development of psychological intervention plans in specific problems (namely, in the social, psychogerontology or clinical and health psychology areas).
2.4. The role of the psychologist in psychological intervention: challenges and

Teaching Methodologies

The methodology is predominantly interactive, associated with the analysis and discussion of issues arising from the topics/modules addressed. Students are encouraged to participate in classes, exposing their doubts and discussing among themselves (and with the teacher), appealing to metacognitive strategies and metareflection. The second component of the C.U. is dedicated to the observation of the
studied contexts, from observation materials provided by the teachers with the participation of the students. The assessment includes: i) a research work carried out in a small group, on a topic to be selected from among those proposed by the teachers, with a written component and oral presentation and discussion (weighting 40%); ii) an individual or small group case study or an institutional component with a description or intervention design, duly substantiated, with presentation and discussion in the classroom (55% weight); iii) oral participation in asking questions and in debates (5%) Materials and specific bibliography will be provided on each of the program modules. 


Albery, I., & Munafò. M. (2008). Key concepts in health psychology. SAGE Publications
Bento, C., Barreto Carvalho, C. (2018). Infância e adolescência. In Macedo, A., Madeira, N., & Pereira, A. T. (Coord.). A psicologia na medicina. Lidel. ISBN: 9789897523489
Buunk, A.P. & Vugt, M.V. (2013). Applying social psychology. From problems to solutions. (2nd Ed.). Sage.
Côrte, B., Goldfarb, D. C., & Lopes, da C. (2009). Psicogerontologia. Juruá Ed.
Freitas, E. V., & Py, L. (Ed.) (2011). Tratado de geriatria e gerontologia (3ª ed.). Editora Guanabara Koogan Lda.
Marks, D., Murray, M., Evans, B., & Estacio, E. (2011). Health psychology: Theory, research and practice. Sage Publications.
Medeiros, T. (Coord.) (2016). Repensar as pessoas idosas no séc. XXI. Letras Lavadas.
Medeiros, T., Ribeiro, C., Miúdo, B., & Fialho, A. (Coords.) (2014). Envelhecer e conviver (2ª ed.). Letras Lavadas.
Ornelas, J. (2008). Psicologia Comunitária. Fim de Século.



ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 15 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 45 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Attendance and Participation: 5%
  • Individual and/or Group Work: 40%
  • Research work: 55%