Psychology Laboratory

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1) To characterize the research paradigms in Psychology, in specific areas;
2) To understand the delimitation of research problems in light of the state of the art;
3) To identify the epistemological, ethical, and methodological advantages and limitations of specific examples of research in Psychology;
4) To develop and apply data collection instruments and techniques;
5) To analyze and interpret research data
6) To perform electronic literature search in scientific journals;
7) To report, through conventional communication methods, research processes and results;
8) To develop critical thinking, interpretation and argumentative skills needed for the production and dissemination of scientific knowledge.


1) Research subject:
a) Theoretical background of a specific research area in Psychology
b) Research traditions and methodological approaches in a specific research area in Psychology
2) Research designs and diversification of methods and techniques in data collection.
3) Quality criteria and regulatory strategies in quantitative and qualitative research.
4) Tools for systematization of scientific data.
The emphasis on research methods includes opening to different research topics chosen by the students

Teaching Methodologies

Large group classes and tutorials are included. The first ones, more focused on the exposition of contents and on the discussion conducted in seminars by the professor, progressively ensure the sharing of the research works and their discussion by the students. Tutorial classes aim at monitoring and supervising the exercises developed by each group, through a project-based methodology. Students independently develop bibliographic research activities, critical reviews, data collection and analysis, practicing the use of the different tools. The evaluation includes products related to the development, in group, of research tasks – scientific communications (30%), and reports (50%); and an individual reflection essay (20%) on the learning process throughout the CU. There is no final exam.


Almeida, L. & Freire, T. (2017). Metodologia de investigação em Psicologia e Educação, 5º ed. Psiquilíbrios.
APA (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association, 7 edition. APA.
Fernandes, E. & Almeida, L. (2001). Métodos e técnicas de avaliação: contributos para a prática e investigação psicológicas. Centros de Estudos em Educação e Psicologia, Universidade do Minho. Flick, U. (2018). An introduction to qualitative research. Sage.
Hays, D.G. & Singh, A.A. (2012). Qualitative inquiry in clinical and educational settings, 1st ed. Guilford.
Meltzoff, J., & Cooper, H. (2017). Critical thinking about research: Psychology and related fields (2nd ed.). APA.
Pestana, M.H. & Gageiro, J.N. (2005). Análise de dados para Ciências Sociais: a complementariadade do SPSS. Sílabo.
Rodríguez G.; Gil, J. & Garcia, E. (1999). Metodología de la investigación cualitativa, 2.ª ed. Aljibe.



ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 15 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 45 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Report of a seminar or field trip: 50%
  • Individual reflection essay: 20%
  • Research tasks (in group) – scientific communications: 30%