Environmental Psychology

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Identify the field of study of Environmental Psychology (EP), understanding its emergence, historical development and disciplinary interfaces.
2) Characterize the assumptions and principles of human environmental experience that guide research and action in the area.
3) Characterize the theoretical approaches that support this area, applying them in the analysis of environmental issues;
4) Know themes and application areas of research on the person-environment relationship;
5) Carry out, at the elementary level, literature reviews in the field, carrying out systematic electronic bibliographic searches, summarizing, critically analyzing and integrating the contents found;
6) Apply data production and analysis strategies in the study of reciprocal relationships between human beings and the real and virtual environments they inhabit;
7) Design, implement and evaluate interventions to promote sustainable behavior.


1) Outlines of Environmental Psychology (EP):

a) History, contributions, and usefulness

b) Articulation with other disciplines

c) Object of study, fields of intervention and application domains.

d) Key concepts

2) Theoretical approaches to the study of human-environment interactions or that contribute to their understanding

a) Ecological Psychology

b) Paradigms of the human-environment relationship: HEP, NEP and NHIP

c) The Phenomenological approach

d) Post-intentional theories of behaviour change

3) Methodological approaches to research and intervention in EP:

a) Main research instruments: person-centred methods; environment-centred methods; and methods centred on interaction

b) Design and management of intervention programs: components and phases

4) Illustration of EP application areas:

a) Restorative environments

b) Pro-environmental and conservation behaviour

c) Planning, Architecture, and Interior Design

d) Risks, environmental disasters, and risk governance before, during and after crises

Teaching Methodologies

Methods are contemplated, whether centered on the teacher and dialogic exposition, or centered on the student, through the realization, in synchronous and asynchronous classes, of activities such as: debate in film and reading discussion forums; guided documentation search; the presentation of communications, the accomplishment of practical exercises of case analysis and behavior change and the elaboration, in group, of a literature review. It is expected that, in autonomous work, students systematize the contents taught with the recommended readings. The availability of materials, delivery of works and clarification of doubts are carried out through Moodle. All learning activities are considered for evaluation purposes, resulting in the final grade of the weighted average of the following elements: test (40%), bibliographic review on the domain or area of application of Environmental Psychology (40%) and communication about the process of change of sustainable behavior (20%).


Bechtel, R.B. & Churchman, A. (2002). Handbook of Environmental Psychology. Wiley.
Clayton, S.D. (2012). The Oxford handbook of Environmental and Conservation Psychology. Oxford University Press. Gifford, R. (2016). Research methods for Environmental Psychology. Wiley Blackwell.
Günter, H., Guzzo, R.S.; & Pinheiro, J.Q. (Orgs.).(2004). Psicologia Ambiental: entendendo as relações do homem com seu ambiente. Alínea.
Higuchi, M.I.G., Kuhnen, A. & Pato, C. (Orgs.). (2019). Psicologia Ambiental em contextos urbanos. Edições do Bosque.
Pinheiro, J.& Gunther, H. (2008). Métodos de pesquisa nos estudos pessoa-ambiente. Casa do Psicólogo.
Soczka, L. (2005). Contextos humanos e Psicologia Ambiental. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.
Steg, L. & De Groot, J. M. (2019). Environmental Psychology – An introduction, 2nd ed. Hoboken, Wiley.
Journal of Environmental Psychology
Environment and Behavior
Environmental Communication: A Journal of Nature and Culture



ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 30 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 30 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Bibliographic review on the domain or area of application of Environmental Psychology: 40%
  • Communication about the process of change of sustainable behavior: 20%
  • Frequency: 40%