Student Development in Academic Context

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1. To understand the transition process to university and the factors that lead to integration and academic success.

2. To identify the personal and contextual resources and limitations that promote or thwart the integration at the university.

3. To know the strategies, institutional resources/aids and transversal tools of the learning process that are essential to the multidimensional development of students and their integration at the university.

4. To grasp knowledge of the syllabus for the 1st cycle of studies in Psychology and understanding its underlying structuring criteria. 

5. To acquire knowledge about emerging adulthood as a concept and the developmental tasks of this period.

6. To mobilize the knowledge around the models of analysis on the emerging adulthood, university student, mainly on the impact models, on the cognitive development models and on the psychosocial models.

7. To raise awareness around research for emerging adulthood.


  1. Integration at the University

1.1.    Transition and inclusion concepts

1.2.    Comprehensive model of transitions

1.3.    Inclusion facilitating resources and tools

  1. Higher Education institution and education dynamics

2.1.    University of the Azores internal structure and organization

2.2.    Support services

2.3.    Learning and research resources

2.4.    The Bologna process and the student’s accountability and autonomy

2.5.    The Psychology course structure

  1. The university student (as an emerging adult)

3.1.    Development period of the emerging adulthood

3.2.    Tasks Development

3.3.    Development models of the emerging adulthood and its’ consequences

3.3.1. Psychosocial models

3.3.2. Impact Models

3.3.3.Cognitive and epistemological development model

3.3.4.Institutional contexts promoting the students’ development

  1. The research on university students: merits, limits and ethical questions

4.1. Awareness of the exploratory research on emerging adulthood

Teaching Methodologies

One will employ diverse teaching methods developed under theorical and practical sessions (using speech exposition; debates and development of cooperative learning activities) and autonomous learning (training on learning and research skills). The students are involved in reflective theme proposals (e.g., papers’ reviews, awareness of the research results and personal stories), and exploratory research work. The results of the exploratory studies will be presented in the classroom, granting the debate and fostering the analysis and reflection competences, in the pursuit of the construction and reconstruction of a meaningful knowledge based on a reflective attitude. The evaluation includes a paper review (40%), the involvement in a group exploratory research work (40%) and the continuous participation in the classroom in the activities proposed by the teacher during the entire semester (20%).


Araújo, e., & Medeiros, t. (2020). Padrões de consumo de álcool em adultos emergentes. In R. de M. Grillo & E. V. Navarro (Eds.), Psicologia Desafios, Perspectivas e Possibilidades (Vol. 2; Cap. 27; pp. 227-238). Editora Científica. DOI: 10.37885/200500219

Arnett, J. J. (2004). Emerging adulthood. The winding road from the late teens through the twenties. Oxford: University Press.

Medeiros, T. (2008). Em torno dos conceitos de adolescência, adultez emergente e adultez. Revista Arquipélago – Série Ciências da Educação, 9,196-216

Medeiros, T. (2007). O desenvolvimento cognitivo do estudante do ensino superior. Psychologica, 44, 261-284.

Medeiros, T., & Peixoto, E. (Orgs.) (2005). Desenvolvimento e aprendizagem: Do ensino secundário ao ensino superior (pp. 237-252). Ponta Delgada: Universidade dos Açores e Direção Regional da Ciência e a Tecnologia.



ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 30 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 30 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Attendance and Participation: 20%
  • Individual and/or Group Work: 40%
  • Paper review : 40%