International Law.

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It is our intention to review fundamental concepts of International Law. Following that exercise, we strive to familiarize students with the major source of International Law, which is the treaty, studying various treaties, particularly meaningful, starting with the Vienna Convention on the matter. Special attention is given to UNCLOS given its importance to an archipelagic region like the Azores. We also study various international organizations (UN; NATO; European Union, ILO, Council of Europe) and texts that mark the relevance of the human person as a subject of International Law. The international capacity of the Autonomous Region of the Azores is also studied.


Sources of International Law; Subjects of International Law: the State, International Organizations and the human person; International Treaties of Definition and Protection of Human Rights; The Council of Europe and its activities in favor of the human person; The European Union as paradigm of a supranational organization; Political and constitutional autonomy and foreign policy.

Teaching Methodologies

We seek to motivate an intense participation of students through open dialogue on contemporary issues of an international dimension and the distribution of tasks regarding the study of the various themes proposed in the syllabus, including their oral presentation by the students in the classroom, with immediate questioning and debate by the colleagues and the professor. Strictly theoretical questions are identified and illustrated with examples drawn from the experiences of the professor and that of the students. The final evaluation is grounded upon the effort and the commitment manifested by the students to their participation in the classroom activities as well as upon the quality of their presentations, as a rule, resorting to power-point.


André Gonçalves Pereira e Fausto de Quadros, Manual de Direito Internacional Público, 3ª edição, revista e aumentada (11ª reimpressão), Almedina 2015
Jorge Bacelar Gouveia, Manual de Direito Internacional Público, 5ª edição, atualizada, Almedina 2017
Jorge Bacelar Gouveia, Textos Fundamentais de Direito Internacional Público, 4ª edição, revista e atualizada, Almedina 2017
Paula Escarameia, O Direito Internacional Público nos princípios do século XXI, Coimbra 2003
Paul Kennedy, O Parlamento do Homem – História das Nações Unidas, Lisboa 2009
Wladimir Brito, Responsabilidade de proteger no Direito Internacional, Coimbra 2017
Luís da Costa Diogo e Rui Januário, Direito Internacional e Temas de Direito Marítimo, Lisboa 2011
João Bosco Mota Amaral, Açores, Autonomia e Integração Europeia, policopiado, 2015
João Bosco Mota Amaral, Os Açores e a Integração Europeia, Discursos e Textos Políticos, policopiado, 2015
João Bosco Mota Amaral, Autonomia e Política Externa, Horta 2016



ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 30 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 30 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • The final evaluation is grounded upon the effort and the commitment manifested by the students to their participation in the classroom activities as well as upon the quality of their presentations, as a rule, resorting to power-point.: 100%