Methodologies of Scientific Work in International Relations

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1. to identify the essential characteristics of scientific research.
2. To analyse, interpret, discuss and synthesise different contributions from the literature to the topic/problem under analysis.
3. To formulate research questions and diagnose specific problems in the light of a relevant theoretical framework.
4. Select the appropriate methodology to answer the questions formulated.
5. Design a strategy for collecting relevant primary and/or secondary data.
6. Prepare the presentation of a Research Proposal.


1. Scientific research and the research process.
2. Research strategies, designs and methods.
3. Formulating relevant research questions and diagnosing specific situations.
4. Literature review. Defining the problem, analysis models, variables and hypotheses.

5. Standards for referencing bibliographic and information sources.
6. Main methods and techniques for collecting and analysing data and their suitability for different methodological approaches.
7. The presentation, interpretation and discussion of results.
8. The typical structure of a Research Proposal, a Dissertation and a Project.

Teaching Methodologies

The curricular unit's teaching activities are organised into three parts: theoretical classes, where content, concepts, arguments and theories are presented; theoretical-practical classes, where students question, analyse, explore and comment on texts and their respective core content; and tutorials, where students' individual and group work is monitored and guided. The methodology will be interactive and student-centred. More specifically, the interrogative teaching method will be favoured: students will be frequently confronted with questions whose answers require the development of skills in consulting relevant documentation, producing reasoned arguments and debating ideas in small and large groups. Explanatory diagrams of the issues addressed will be drawn up.


BECKER, Howard S. (2007). Writing for Social Scientists: How to Start and Finish your Thesis, Book, or Article, 2th edition. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
BRYMAN, Alan e BELL, Edward. (2019). Social Research Methods, 5th Canadian edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Coutinho, Clara Pereira. (2023). Metodologia de Investigação em Ciências Sociais e Humanas: Teoria e Prática. 2ª edição. Coimbra: Almedina.
ECO, Umberto. (2007[1997]). Como se faz uma tese em ciências humanas, 13ª edição. Tradução de Ana Falcão Bastos e Luís Leitão. Lisboa: Editorial Presença.
Hammersley, Martin. (2011). Methodology: Who Needs it?, London: SAGE Publications.
Lamont, Christopher. (2015). Research Methods in International Relations. London: SAGE Publications.

March, David and Stoker, Gerry (eds). (2010). Theory and Methods in Political Science. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Sampieri, Roberto H., Collado, Carlos F. e Lucio, Pilar B. (2014). Metodologia de pesquisa, 6ª ed. São Paulo: Mc Graw-Hill.
Van Campenhoudt, Luc, Marquet, Jacques e Quivy, Raymond, (2019). Manual de Investigação em Ciências Sociais. Tradução de Isabel Lopes. Lisboa: Gradiva. (2017. Manuel de recherche en sciences sociales, 5ª édition. Dunod: Malakoff)



ECTS Credits



  • Orientação Tutorial - 15 hours
  • Teóricas - 15 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 15 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Class participation and presentation of the research project: 40%
  • Final written assignment - research project: 60%