Regionalism and Social and Political Org.: Europe and the Atlantic Area

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To explore the emergence and consolidation of regionalism and regional autonomy in Europe, in their double dimension: internal, for the reconfiguration of the State, and external, of revisitation of the system of international relations;

To look at regional integration as a response to crisis, both infra and supra-national; To promote the knowledge of the new forms of the political in which regionalism translates itself in the West and at the planetary scale, at the internal level as well as at the external level, European and international;

To rethink Europe: recovering the visions proposed throughout the centuries by its major visionaries, the initial course adopted in the middle of the XX century for its construction and the roads meanwhile trodden, and seeking perspectives for the future.


Region, autonomy and subsidiarity;

The State as a political community become too big and too small;

Theories of Integration: autonomy and subsidiarity;

Models of regionalism: old, for the safeguard of the State, and new, for the reconfiguration of the State and of the political;

Region and regionalism: infra-state and supra-state regionalism and regions;

Regionalism and regionalization, autonomy and decentralization;

Regionalism and reconfiguration of the State. The autonomous region as form of the political;

Europe of the States and the parallel ideas of Europe of the Regions and Europe with the Regions;

Regionalism and International Relations: the European Union as form of the political;

Regionalism: political power, citizenship, right, solidarity and justice;

Political community: same and different. Europe and the West;

Frontiers and laboratories of Regions and of Europe.

Teaching Methodologies

The curricular unit combines two teaching methodologies. In a first moment, the presentation by the professor, of the contents (fundamental texts, authors and problematics). Grounded upon the competences thus acquired, the second moment will know a tutorial dimension. Students shall be invited to autonomous research and regular critical presentation and defense, oral and written, of the results achieved.

Evaluation will also know two dimensions. On the one hand, the participation in the working sessions, including the discussion of the work developed by students. On the other hand, at the beginning of the Semester each student shall adopt a research theme to which she or he will dedicate special attention and in the framework of which develop a research project, to be presented and discussed with the colleagues. In terms of final grades, the participation in the working sessions will be worth 40% and the writing, presentation and defense of a research paper, the remaining 60%.


AMARAL, Carlos E. Pacheco, Do Estado soberano ao Estado das autonomias. Regionalismo, subsidiariedade e autonomia para uma nova ideia de Estado, Afrontamento, 1998;

⸻⸻⸻⸻, “O regionalismo europeu: actualidade e prospectiva”, in Conde, Manuel e Susana Silva, coords., História, pensamento e cultura. Estudos em homenagem a Carlos Cordeiro, Nova Gráfica, 2016;

⸻⸻⸻⸻, ed. Autonomie régionale et relations internationales, Paris, L’Harmattan, 2011;

AUGBURG, Valérie, Gérard Bossuat and Giles Scott – Smith, European Community, Atlantic Community, Soleb, 2008;

KEATING, Michael, The New Regionalism in Western Europe, Edward Elgar, 1998;

MERLONI, Francesco, ed., Regionalization Trends in European Countries, 2007-2015, Congress of Local and Regional Authorities, Council of Europe, 2016;

PAQUIN, Stéphane, Paradiplomatie et relations internationales. Théorie des stratégies internationales des régions face à la mondialisation, Bruxelles, Peter Lang, 2004.



ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 45 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Participation in the working sessions: 60%
  • Presentation and defense of a research paper: 40%