Theory of Citizenship and Human Rights in complex societies

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This curricular unit aims to give students in-depth perspectives on the issues surrounding citizenship and human rights, in complex societies and in a world that is simultaneously in disorder and global.


1| Modern politics as scarcity management.

2 | Contradictions of Modernity and human rights. Theses that try to overcome these contradictions: the thoughts of H. Arendt, J. Habermas, C. Taylor, S. Benhabib, among others.

3 | Rationale for citizenship and human rights.

4 | Theories of worldliness.

5 | Citizenship and cosmopolitanism in a fragmentary era.

Teaching Methodologies

Periodic debates and preparation of an essay of a scientific nature, in addition to its public defense.


ANDREW LINKLATER, Critical Theory and World Politics, N. York, Routledge, 2008.

ASTRID VON BUSEKIST, Penser la Politique, Paris, Sciences Po, 2010.

BERTRAND BADIE, Les Deux États, Paris, Fayard, 1987.

CHARLES TAYLOR, L’Âge Séculier, Paris, Ed. du Seuil, 2011.

DANIEL INNERARITY, Uma Teoría de la Democracia Compleja, Madrid, Gutenberg, 2020.

ERNST BLOCH, Droit Naturel et Dignité Humaine, Payot, Paris, 1976.

JÜRGEN HABERMAS, La Constelación Posnacional, Barcelona, Paidós, 2000.

JÜRGEN HABERMAS, L’Intégration Républicaine, Fayard.

LIBORIO HIERRO, Los Derechos Humanos. Una concepción de la justicia, Madrid, Marcial Pons, 2016.

NADIA URBINATI, Democrazia Rappresentativa, Roma, Donzelli, 2010.

RAMEL/BALZACQ, Traité de Relations Internationales, Paris, Presses de Sciences Po, 2013.

REYNALDO BUSTAMANTE ALARCÓN, La Idea de persona y dignidad humana, Madrid, Dykinson, 2018.

SEYLA BENHABIB, Dignity in Adversity. Human Rights in Troubled Times, Cambridge/UK, 2011.



ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 45 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Conforme determinado pelo programa da uc: 100%