Patologia Geral I

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This unit has a major aim the introduction to t he pathology, covering the basic concepts, scientific and medical suitable nomenclature and understanding of disease mechanisms. The basic mechanisms of cell and tissue lesions; the environmental effects in the cells dependent of the specie, bread, age and sex. The knowledge of the cellular lesion inside the tissue, organ, organic fluids, and immune system. The morphological aspects of cellular disease and its relationship


Introduction t o the study of pathology. Conditions for the occurrence of disease. Internal and external etiology Cellular response to injury. Cellular Stress. Response to injury. Systems of cell protection. Cytoprotective prote ins (stress proteins): ubiquitin, heat shock proteins
Degeneration or accumulations. Intracellular deg eneration. Amyloidosis.
Cellular accumulations or metabolic abnormalities: Pathology of lipid met abolism and cholesterol. Pathology of the metabolism of carbohydrates and glycoproteins. Pathology of metabolism of proteins, keratin and nucleoproteins.
Pathology of elastic fibers metabolism. Pathology of calcium metabolism. Calculus and pseudocalculus. Pathological accumulation of endogenous and exogenous pigments. Aging. Lysosomal storage diseases.
Irreversible cell injury: apoptosis and necrosis. Autolysis.
Morphology of acute inflammation: inflammatory exudates

Teaching Methodologies

Thematic theoretical presentation in a expository for m and interaction with students encouraging the discussion and connection of different knowledge.
The practice content is made with th e presentation of the lesions learned in theoretical classes, either respecting to macro or microscopic aspects. The students are encouraged to make the application of its theoretical knowledge and the application of correct technical and medical terminology. The use of microscop is fundamental.

Theoretical evaluation is written with multiple choice questions.
The practical assessment is made with the projected images, an d questions directed towards its interpretation. Final evaluation includes a microscopic evaluation of 2 slides of different lesions.
Admission to assessment becomes mandatory by being present in 3/4 of all practical classes.
The theoretical value is 60% and practical is 40% of the final classification.
The negative evaluation of each part requires its repetition in final exam.


Maria dos Anjos Pires, Fátima Gartner, & Fernanda Seixas Travassos. Atlas de Patologia Veterinária.
M. Donald McGavin and James F. Zachary. Pathologic Basis of Veterinary Disease.
Raphael Rubin & David Strayer. Rubin’s Pathology.
Robbins & Cotran. Pathologic Basis of Disease, Vina y Kumar, Abul Abbas, Nelso Fausto, and Jon Aster.



ECTS Credits



  • Orientação Tutorial - 5 hours
  • Práticas e Laboratórios - 35 hours
  • Teóricas - 15 hours