Políticas para a Infância e Juventude

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1. To discuss childhood and youth as social and sociological constructions;
2. To identify the social images about children and young people;
3. To discuss the structural obstacles that hinder the social recognition of young people
4. To describe the historical process of consolidation of social policies for children and youth
5. To identify the limitations of the mass school in contemporary societies
6. To identify the continuities and ruptures in the construction of the adulthood process in contemporary societies
7. To identify the obstacles to the affirmation of the social rights of children and youth
8. To recognize social policies and practices of reconciling work with the family;
9. To demonstrate critical analyses skills;
10. To demonstrate the ability to organize and manage a research process;
11. To demonstrate communication skills of the work process and product.


1. Social images about children and youth
2. Structural factors that hinder the recognition of children and youth as social actors
3. Social policies for children and young people: brief historical perspective
4. Educational policies for children and youth: between equal opportunities and equal outcomes
5. Public policies and the transition process of young people into adulthood
6. Childhood, youth and social problems: policies to protect at-risk children and youth
7. Policies and practices for reconciling work and family life.

Teaching Methodologies

In this curricular unit will the interrogative method of teaching will be privileged: students will often be confronted with questions whose answers require the development of relevant documentation consultation skills, the production of reasoned argumentation and the brainstorming of ideas in a large group. Due to the teaching methodologies, it is recommended an evaluation system that values, beyond the mastery of the contents, an application of knowledge in the study of contexts and concrete actors, since the evaluation will focus on the accomplishment of a written work (50%), orally defended (50%) on one of the themes of the program where, in addition to the theoretical foundation, the trainees will have to critically analyze measures and actions taken by the public authorities in the context of concrete policies tested in the regional, national or European context.


Fernandes, N. (2005). Infância e Direitos: a participação das crianças nos contextos de vida – representações, práticas e poderes. Braga. Universidade do Minho.

Gaitán, L., Pechtelidis Y., Tomás, C., & Fernandes, N. (Eds). (2020). Children's Lives in Southern Europe. Contemporary Challenges and Risks. Edward Elgar.

Guerreiro, M. C.; Abrantes, P. (2003). Transições Incertas: os jovens perante o trabalho e a família. Lisboa: CIES

Hespanha, P. et al. (2000). Entre o Estado e o Mercado. As fragilidades das instituições de protecção social em Portugal. Coimbra: Quarteto Editora.

James, A.; Jenks, C. & Prout, A. (1998). Theorizing Childhood. Cambridge: Polity Press.

Pais, J.M. (1990). A construção sociológica da juventude: alguns contributos. Análise Sociológica, 25 (105-106), 139-165.

Qvortrup, J. (1993). Societal position of childhood: the international project childhood as a social phenomenon. Childhood, 1, 119–124.

Serracant, P. (2012). Changing Youth? Continuities and Ruptures in Transitions into Adulthood among Catalan Young People. Journal of Youth Studies, 15 (2): 161–176.

Vilarinho, M.E (2000). "Somos Gente! As Crianças entre a Família, o Estado e a Sociedade". Fórum Sociológico, 3 e 4 (2ª série), 95-112.



ECTS Credits



  • Orientação Tutorial - 10 hours
  • Teóricas - 15 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 15 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • According to Teaching Methods: 100%