Dinâmicas Sociais e Envelhecimento

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It is intended that students know and acquire the capacity to analyze the most structuring social and demographic problems in contemporary society, particularly reflected in education and employment, both in their manifestations and in the consequences of collective living. The analysis focuses on recognizing and identifying the implications and consequences at European sociocultural, economic and legal-political level, which is sometimes contrasting in their regional readings. Therefore, we seek that students articulate the different dimensions involved in dealing with social issues. The specificity of the themes addressed requires the mobilization of knowledge, particularly in the social sciences, as well as the articulation of knowledge and information for understanding trends and conducting empirical studies to guide intervention and the definition of action measures, in the public sphere.


1. Demographic dynamics: indicators, readings and implications
1.1. World and regional population developments and emerging demographic issues
1.2. Structure Effects and Demographic Dynamics: Will Demographic Explosion and Aging Process Contradict?
1.3. The coming futures: From demographic dynamics to their implications for social and public policy dynamics

2. Social dynamics of contemporaneity and active aging
2.1. Social change, modernity and indicators
2.2. Family Change and Processes of aging differentiation
2.3. Dynamics of access to education and information, literacy and qualifications

3. Dynamics in the world of work and employment
3.1. Labor and employment transformations
3.2. Reconstruction of work and professions in the age of globalization
3.3. Transition to a network society

Teaching Methodologies

The questioning of personal experiences, life trajectories, and known work and labor relations experiences is a reason for introducing learning activities guided by self-discovery goals. The assessment to the course unit consists of two written tests, one of which can be exchanged for documentary research and observation leading to the elaboration of a monograph of a work and learning path or a topic related to active aging. Both elements have the same weight in the final grade. Therefore, the assessment is based on three elements of a substantially different nature including written test (40%), thematic exposure (25%) and a short case study essay (35%).


Almeida, A. N. e Vieira, M. M. (2006), A escola em Portugal, Lisboa, ICS.
Almeida, J. F.; Costa, A. F., e Machado, F. L. (1994), “Recomposição sócio-profissional e novos protagonismos”, in
Reis, A. (coord.), Portugal: 20 anos de democracia, Lisboa, Círculo dos Leitores, pp. 307-330.
Antunes, M. C. e Grácia, L., (2016), Envelhecimento, Perseptivas, projectos e práticas inovadoras, V. N. Famalicão,
Barreto, A. (2000), A Situação Social em Portugal, 1960-1999: Indicadores Sociais em Portugal e na União Europeia,
2, Lisboa, ICS.
Beck, U. (1992), Risk Society: Towards a New Modernity, London, Sage Publications.
Beck, U.; Giddens, A.; e Lash, S. (2000), Modernizaçäo reflexiva: política, tradição e estética na ordem social
moderna, Oeiras, Celta Editora.
Boudon, R. (1984), O Lugar da Desordem, Lisboa, Gradiva.
Santos, B. S. (1994), Portugal: um retrato singular, Porto, Afrontamento.
Viegas, J. M. e Costa, A. F. da (orgs.) (1998), Portugal: Que Modernidade?, Oeiras, Celta Editora.



ECTS Credits



  • Orientação Tutorial - 10 hours
  • Teóricas - 15 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 15 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • According to Teaching Methods: 100%