Conceção de Recursos Educativos em Informática

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1 - To mobilize scientific and pedagogical knowledge in favour of the selection, design, and management of educational resources promoters of the contextualized managementof the curriculum.
2 – To reflect on the importance of diversified educational resources for the promotion of active and meaningful learning.
3 - Deepen knowledge of quality criteria and adequacy in the selection, design, and management of educational resources.
4 – To analyse critically diverse educational resources, with reference to quality criteria and adequacy;
5 – To design and manage educational resources for the teaching of Informatics, appropriate to diverse contexts and audiences.


1. School education and pedagogical communication
a) Theories of communication;
b) Interpersonal communication: basics of communication; communicational attitudes and their effects on the interlocutor; barriers to communication; functions ofcommunication; effective communication;
c) Communication in the digital age.

2. Quality and appropriateness criteria in the selection, design and management of educational resources in Informatics;

3. Educational resources for the development and learning:
3.1. For programming:
a) Scratch platform, Open Roberta Lab and MIT App Inventor;
b) Games;
c) use of algorithms with artificial intelligence;

3.2 Robotics resources and data collection and processing:
a) educational robots
b) arduino and raspberry pi platforms
c) projects using sensors and actuators (light, movement, humidity, etc.)
d) applications in Smartphones

4. Selection and construction of educational resources for the teaching Informatics (planning, construction, testing and evaluation)

Teaching Methodologies

It will be privileged the observation, analysis, experimentation and discussion of existing educational resources, duly mediated by the psycho-pedagogical, didactic andcurricular basis advanced by authors of specialty. Emphasis is placed on the development of knowledge and skills for the selection, construction and management ofeducational resources, appropriate to educational situations and diversified audiences. Valuing the reflective dimension of training processes, evaluation will occur in asystematic and continuous manner by questioning and discussion regarding the analysis, construction and management of educational resources.

The final mark of the UCconsists of the conception and evaluation of an educational resource for teaching Informatics, including rationale and technical file (30%), construction of the resource (30%),implementation/testing and evaluation (30%) and presentation/group discussion (10%). Oral and written communication skills will be always considered.


Black, N.B. & Brooks-Young, S. (2021). Hands-On AI Projects for the Classroom. ISTE in partnership with General Motors.

Funk, M.A.; Cascalho, J.M., Santos, A.I. & Mendes, A.B. (2021). Educational robotics and tangible devices for promoting computational thinking. Mini Review, Frontiers. Robot. AI - Computational Intelligence in Robotics (aguarda publicação).

Klumpp, C.F.B.; et al. (2020). A importância das tecnologias digitais na Educação e seus desafios. Editora Bagai.

Machado, A. B. (Org.). (2021) Educação, Recursos Didáticos, Cotidiano Escolar e Pesquisas: Processos e aprendizagem. Editora Bagai.

Machado, A. B. & Lúcio, V. R. (2021) Escola, currículo e tecnologias: desafios e possibilidades. Editora Bagai.



ECTS Credits



  • Orientação Tutorial - 6 hours
  • Teóricas - 15 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 45 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • According to Teaching Methods: 100%