Robotics and Learning Applications Laboratory

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1. Acquire knowledge about educational robotics.

2. Know and know how to apply didactic models for the application of educational robotics in the classroom context.

3. Acquire skills to use programming/simulation platforms to support educational robotics.

4. To know the essential about robots and their basic components.

5. To analyze knowledge about problems and concepts applied to robotics in general (e.g. movement, odometry, control, navigation, etc.)

6. To acquire knowledge about the areas of machine learning in the context of robotics.


1. Brief introduction to Robotics and Educational Robotics.

2. Didactic models for the application of robotic activity in the classroom (e.g. CCPS).

3. Platforms and programming and simulation applied to educational robotics.

4. Basic concepts about robots, sensors.

5. Movement, odometry and control. Navigation, Mapping and Image Processing.

6. Machine learning applied to robotics.

Teaching Methodologies

Students develop group project activities using educational robots and framing them in different educational contexts. Additionally, two individual activities are proposed for the elaboration of a written document for the application of educational robotics in the classroom context. Throughout the semester, students are invited to present the work they develop in groups and individually.


Project P1 and P2

Individual written work T1 and T2

Final Assessment (FA) = 30%*(P1+P2) + 20%*(T1+T2)

The students have positive assessment if AF >= 9.5


Bem-Ari, M. & Mondada, F. (2018) Elements of Robotics, Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-62533-1

Murphy, R. R. (2019) Introduction to AI Robotics, second edition, Bradford Books, 2nd. Edition.

Chevalier et al. Fostering computational thinking through educational robotics: a model for creative computational problem solving. International Journal of STEM Education

Giang, C., Piatti, A., & Mondada, F. (2019). Heuristics for the development and evaluation of educational robotics systems. IEEE Transactions on Education



ECTS Credits



  • Orientação Tutorial - 6 hours
  • Práticas e Laboratórios - 30 hours
  • Teóricas - 30 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • According to Teaching Methods: 100%