Encontros de Culturas no Mundo Atlântico

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The course aims to address the contrasting aspects of cultural and artistic production, not necessarily a chronological or evolutionary way, resultant of "The Clash of Civilizations" between the peoples of the Americas, Africa and Europe, along the Modern and Contemporary Age. These scientific purposes intend to reinforce the skills that students must have started at undergraduate level namely: critical and interpretive ability, autonomy in finding texts and their selection; autonomy at the level of scientific approaches, ability to reflect and produce a coherent discourse, ability to develop a coherent work from a methodological and scientific point of view.


1. Sources and methodologies for the study of cultural history between continents. The Eurocentric point of view and the confrontation with different points of view.
2. War and peace in the religious confronts
3. Art, iconography and visual culture in cultural encounters
a) The role of the Jesuits in the production of a language of fusion between imaginary indigenous and Catholic dogmas, in Brazil
b) Kubler and colonial art, artistic periphery and mestizo art in Latin America
c) The iconography of black and Indian in visual arts in the Early Modern Iberia.
d) The nationalization of English neoclassical neopaladianism in the U.S.
e) The "discovery" of Amerindian and African primitive art by Europeans
4. Cultural heritage, memory and social identities
a) Discussion of the concepts and methods of approach
b) Ongoing differentiation between indigenous peoples and settlers
c) The identity construction on a global scale

Teaching Methodologies

Theoretical classes / Theoretical-practical classes.


AAVV – Caminhos do Património. Catálogo da Exposição. Coord. de João Vieira Cal¬das. Lisboa: D.G.E.M.N/ Livros Horizonte, 1999.
ANDRIEUX, Jean-Yves (dir.) – Patrimoine et société. Rennes. 1988.
BABELON, Jean-Pierre; CHASTEL, André – La notion de patrimoine. Paris: Liana Levi, 1994.
BETHENCOURT, Francisco; CHAUDHURI, Kirti (dir.) – História da Expansão Portuguesa, 1998-1999, 5 volumes.
CHOAY, Françoise – A alegoria do património, Lisboa: Edições 70. 2000.
KAUFMANN, Thomas daCosta – Toward a Geography of Art, London and Chicago: Chicago University Press, 2004.
KUBLER, George, The shape of time; remarks on the history of things – New Haven: Yale University Press, 1962.
KUBLER, George – Art and architecture in Spain and Portugal and their American dominions, 1500 to 1800, Baltimore, Penguin Books, 1959.
HALL, Stuart – A identidade cultural na Pós-Modernidade, Editora DP & A, Rio do Janeiro, 1992.
LANGFUR, Hall – “Moved by Terror: Frontier Violence as Cultural Exchange in Late-Colonial Brazil” in Ethnohistory, 2005 Vol. 52, Nº 2: 255-289
LEITE, Miriam Lifchitz Moreira – “O Olhar do Outro” in Projecto História, 2001, nº 23.
LOWENTHAL, David – Heritage Crusade and the Spoils of History. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998.
MARTINS, Guilherme de Oliveira – Património, herança e memória. A cultura como criação. Lisboa: Gradiva, 2009.
POULOT, Dominique – Une histoire du patrimoine en Occident XVIIIe-XXIe siècle. Du monument aux valeurs. Paris: PUF, 2006.
SOBRAL, Luís Moura (Coord.) – Struggle for Synthesis. A Obra de Arte Total nos Séculos XVII e XVIII / The Total Work of Art in the 17th and 18th Centuries, Lisboa: IGESPAR, 1999. 2 vols.



ECTS Credits



  • Orientação Tutorial - 20 hours
  • Teóricas - 15 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 15 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Continuous Evaluation: 100%