Mobilidade e Migrações no Atlântico

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The course consists on a diachronic approach of the major phases of mobility and inter-continental and islands migrations of the Atlantic, in the timeline between the 15th and 20th centuries. It is intended that the students master the problem underlying, the major issues and themes of syllabus, that deepen the knowledge already acquired and reflect on the dynamics about population transfer that occurred between the "margins" of the ocean and the Islands and continents. In each seminar, students will analyze and discuss the causes and consequences of migration, its contours and features, the territories of origin and of the impact, motivations and goals. The centrality of the study will focus on Portugal, Azores and Madeira, but taking into account the contexts and international examples. Privileging the search capacity and autonomy of students, will be provide research clues that support the final work.


Theme I – For the History of mobility and migration: sources, studies and practices.
Theme II - Population mobility in the genesis and affirmation of European Overseas Empires (Iberian and Nordic Empires).
Theme III – The slave trade and slavery in Atlantic territories.
Theme IV – From Europe to America: large population transfer over 19th century

Theme V – Immigration and emigration phenomena in the course of the 20th century (until the third quarter of the century).

Teaching Methodologies

Theoretical classes / Theoretical-practical classes.


AAVV (2001), Imigração e Emigração nas Ilhas, Funchal, Secretaria Regional de Turismo e Cultura / C.E.H.A.. ALBUQUERQUE, L., dir. (1989), Portugal no Mundo, Lisboa, Pub. Alfa, 6 vols.

BLACKBURN, R. (1997), The making of new world slavery: from the baroque to the modern: 1492-1800, London, Verso. MATOS, A. T. de, coord. (2005), A Colonização Atlântica, (Nova História da Expansão Portuguesa), Lisboa, Ed. Estampa, vol. III, ts. 1 e 2. MIRANDA, S. de (1999), A Emigração Portuguesa e o Atlântico, 1870-1930, Lisboa, Salamandra.

SILVA, S. S., SOUSA, F. de, FERREIRA, D., coord. (2022), Em torno na E(I)migração Ibérica para as Américas: práticas associativas e turismo de raízes, Ponta Delgada, Letras Lavadas edições.

SILVA, S. S. (2009), “Emigração Legal e Clandestina nos Açores de Oitocentos (da década de 30 a meados da centúria)”, in SOUSA, F. de e outros, coord., Nas Duas Margens. Os Portugueses no Brasil, Porto, Afrontamento, pp. 381-400.

SOUSA, F. de, MARTINS, I., MENEZES, L. M. de; MATOS, M. I.,  SARGES, M. N. e SILVA, S. S., coord. (2011), Um Passaporte para a Terra Prometida, Porto, CEPESE / Fronteira do Caos Editores.



ECTS Credits



  • Orientação Tutorial - 20 hours
  • Teóricas - 15 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 15 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Continuous Evaluation: 100%