a) Understand the concepts of Modern and Contemporary History in the framework of the evolution of humanity;
b) Seize modern and contemporary global structures in space and time;
c) Develop skills that allow better interpreting the current reality within the framework of the historical dynamics studied;
d) Identify and question the successive transformations that have occurred in the world order and the concept of globalization and global history.
1. The European Area: the concept and the geographical reality
2. The men:
2.1. The challenges of demography
2.2. Demographic effects on social and family structures throughout the Modern and Contemporary Ages
2.3. Ageing in Europe: between health and disease
3. The European economy: socio-economic models and practices in a Europe at different paces
3.1. Military conflicts and their economic contribution
3.2. Developments in the primary, secondary and tertiary sectors
3.3. The challenges of the green and blue economies
4. War and Peace
4.1. Imperialism
4.2. Democracies and Totalitarianism
5. Europeans and Others
5.1. The dynamics of multicultural migration
5.2. Socio-cultural interaction and communication tools: from printed book to social networks
Teaching will focus on learning students as active agents of their training. Considering that we are facing a 2nd Cycle of Training, it is desirable that future teachers consolidate their capacity for intervention and be the main actors of learning. In this understanding, each programmatic theme will have two key questions, to which students must answer through different learning mechanisms. The evaluation will be formative, implementing the realization of multiple works, ranging from the definition of concepts, exploration of texts and audiovisual material, debates and presentations, all this to develop in the students the critical capacities both through writing or through orality, encouraging, in the same way, the maturation process between synthesis and development.
Aróstegui, J., Saborido, J., El tiempo presente: un mundo globalmente desordenado. B. Aires: U. B. Aires, 2005.
Bretherton, C. & J. Vogler, The European Union as a Global Actor,2nd ed., London, New York: Routledge, 2006.
Dufour,J. L. Un siècle de crises internationales – De Pékin (1900) au Caucase (2008).
Éd. A. Versaille, 2009.
Ferreira,Marieta de Moraes. História do tempo presente: desafios. Cultura Vozes, Petrópolis, v.94, nº 3, p.111-124, maio/jun., 2000.
Friedman,G., Focos de tensão. Os choques geopolíticos que ameaçam o futuro da Europa. Alfragide: Dom Quixote, 2015
Giddens,Anthony. As Consequências da Modernidade. São Paulo: Ed. Unesp, 1991.
Sachsenmaier, D., Global perspectives on Global History. Cambridge University Press, 2011.
Torgal, Luís Reis, "Fazer História Contemporânea", Estudos do Século XX, Universidade de Coimbra, 2011, nº 11.
Woff, Simone,"A problemática da história no debate "modernidade versus pósmodernidade": os impactos sobre as noções de fragmentação e globalização, Mediações
- Revista de Ciências Sociais, 1997, nº 2.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5433/2176-6665.1997v2n1p9