Temas de História Antiga e Medieval

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1. Develop an integrated and comprehensive view of global frameworks for the evolution of European societies between the 3rd and 15th centuries, as well as the specific theories, concepts and problematics of the study of the Middle Ages (specific competence);
2. Perceive the social function of knowledge of the past in different contexts, namely at the level of the historical roots of the major issues of the present (specific competence);
3. Mastering the materials and techniques used for knowledge of the past, namely in terms of primary sources and commentary on texts and other historical documents (specific competence);
4. Develop, such as generic skills, their own reading and reflection habits, a sense of rigor and critical thinking.


1. The last emperors (3rd-9th centuries)
1.1. The decomposition of the Roman state
1.2. The barbarian invasions and the barbarian kingdoms
1.3. The Carolingian empire
2. The warlords (10th-11th centuries)
2.1. The regionalization of defense initiatives and the privatization of state functions
2.2. The evolution of dependency ties in the warrior class
2.3. The power over the production system
3. The kings of the 12th to 15th centuries
3.1. From feudal society to court society
3.2. The chroniclers and the construction of the monarchic ideology
3.3. The death of kings

Teaching Methodologies

The teaching methodologies of the curricular unit of Ancient and Medieval History Themes are based on a combination of the roles of the teacher and the students. It is the role of the teacher to perform a set of expository classes, punctually supported by discussion and commentary on complementary bibliography, as well as the definition, monitoring and critique of the thematic works. It is up to the students' role to accompany the lectures, the reading of the main bibliography and the complementary bibliography and the accomplishment of all the tasks underlying the thematic works.

In this UC the thematic work consists of a written evaluation element, called historical text commentary, whose classification will be distributed for several moments:

- Monitoring: 20%
- Presentation: 30%
- Printed final version: 50%


ANDERSON, Perry, Passagens da Antiguidade ao feudalismo, Porto, Edições Afrontamento, 1980.
BLOCH, Marc, A sociedade feudal, 2ª ed., Lisboa, Edições 70, 1987.
BOIS, Guy, La revolución del año mil. Lournand, aldea del Mâconnais, de la Anteguedad al feudalismo, Barcelona, Editorial Crítica, 1991.
DUBY, Georges, Guerreiros e camponeses. Os primórdios do crescimento económico europeu (séculos VII-XII), Lisboa, Editorial Estampa, 1980.
FOSSIER, Robert, La infancia de Europa. Aspectos económicos y sociales, Barcelona, Editorial Labor, 1984, 2 vols..
FOURQUIN, Guy, História económica do Ocidente medieval, Lisboa, Edições 70, 1990.
GANSHOF, F.-L., Que é o feudalismo?, 4ª ed., Lisboa, Publicações Europa-América, 1976.
HEERS, Jacques, La ville au Moyen Âge en Occident. Paysages, pouvoirs et conflits, Paris, Hachette, 1997.
LE GOFF, Jacques, A civilização do Ocidente medieval, Lisboa, Editorial Estampa, 1983-1984, 2 vols.
STRAYER, Joseph, As origens medievais do Estado moderno, Lisboa, Gradiva, s. d.



ECTS Credits



  • Orientação Tutorial - 6 hours
  • Teóricas - 15 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 45 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • According to Teaching Methods: 100%