Professional Development and Teaching Deontology

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1. To know, in a reflective way, the concepts of Education, Ethics, Moral and Deontology;
2. To understand the teaching profession and its challenges, recognising its ethical, deontological and axiological dimension;
3. To analyse dilemmas in the educational context, mobilising knowledge of ethical and deontological principles;
4. To know, in a problematological way, the rights and duties of pupils, teachers and other educational agents;
5. To provide a perspective for the assessment of pupils on the basis of an ethical and ethical framework;
6. To understand and problematize the concept(s) teacher professional development(s);
7. To substantiate - in a reflective and critical manner - the nuclear and decisive importance of ethical education and deontology for the exercise of teaching.


1. Teaching profession: being a teacher reflective dialogues between past/present/future
1.1. Notions of profession and professionalism in education
1.2. Being a teacher in Portugal in the 20th century
1.3. Being a teacher in the 21st century, what challenges?

2. The ethical and axiological dimension of the teaching profession
2.1 Ethics, Moral and Deontology
2.2 Educational Axiology
2.3 The teacher and the student as a "Person”
2.3.1 Values in the holistic "Person’s” formation
2.4 Ethics in the Pedagogical Relationship
2.4.1 Autonomy in the educational process
2.4.2. Educational responsibility and co-responsibility
2.4.3. The of the student/"Person"’ welfare and Justice as the centrality of the educational act
2.5. Ethical Dilemmas

3. Teaching Deontology
3.1 Why a code of ethics in the teaching profession?
3.2 Teaching deontological code(s) and deontological codes of other professions
3.3. Structuring deontological principles in education

4. Teachers' rights and duties
4.1. Statute of the Teaching Career
4.2. Statute for elementary and Secondary School students
4.3 Teachers' and students' rights and duties as a reference for the development of the sense of citizenship and the "citizen school

5. Ethics and deontology in evaluation
5.1. Assessment as training
5.2 Ethical care in evaluation
5.2.1 Ethical and deontological principles in student evaluation
5.2.2 Ethical and deontological principles in the evaluation of teachers

6. Professional teacher development, a right or a duty?
6.1 Initial training
6.2.1. Professional development, notions and reflections
6.2.1 Building professional identity
6.2.2 Models and logics of continuing education
6.3 The teacher as researcher and reflective praxis, challenges of lifelong learning
6.4 Cultures and school leadership, implications and challenges in teachers' professional development

Teaching Methodologies

The methodologies combine the teaching and learning processes, having as a reference the university pedagogy, and supported by active methodologies that favour the co-participation of students in the construction of knowledge. A diversity of methods, articulated in order to provide the acquisition of knowledge and the development of attitudes and competencies. Expository methods, dialogue and discussion, personal and intersubjective questioning; individual work, in pairs, in groups, in the whole class, writing and analysis, critical and reflective texts. Analysis of ethical and deontological dilemmas in educational practice and training.


- Cunha, P. (1996). Ética e educação. Lisboa: Universidade Católica Editora.

- Day, C. (2001). Desenvolvimento profissional de professores. Os desafios da aprendizagem permanente. Porto: Porto Editora.

- Estrela, M. T. & Caetano, A.P. (2010). Ética profissional docente. Do pensamento dos professores à sua formação. Lisboa: Educa.

- Estrela, M. T. (2010). Profissão de Docente. Dimensões afetivas e éticas. Porto. Areal Editores.

- Flores, M. A. & Simão, A. M. V. (Orgs.) (2009). Aprendizagem e desenvolvimento profissional de professores: contextos e perspectivas. Lisboa: Edições Pedago.

- Loureiro, C. (2001). A docência como profissão. Porto: Edições Asa.

- Monteiro, A. R. (2005). Deontologia das profissões de Educação. Coimbra: Edições Almedina.

- Patrão-Neves, M. C. & Justino, D. (Coord.) (2018). Ética Aplicada à Educação. Lisboa: Edições 70.

- Seiça, A. B. (2003). A docência como práxis ética e deontológica. Um estudo empírico. Lisboa: Departamento da Educação Básica



ECTS Credits



  • Orientação Tutorial - 6 hours
  • Teóricas - 15 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 45 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Group work with written component, presentation and questioning between the trainees and the teacher: 45%
  • Individual work with written component: 55%