Introduction to Professional Practice in the 2nd Cycle of Basic Education

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It is intended with this course that students are able to:

a) Mobilize knowledge about theories and pedagogical models in the discussion of practices observed in schools.

b) Analyze critically and reflexively the official documents that guide the 2nd Cycle curriculum, discussing possibilities of contextual appropriation by teachers.

c) To conceive pedagogical intervention projects, starting from the problematization of observed situations, susceptible of being studied in the context of research developed throughout the degree with the involvement of several courses, valuing principles of curricular integration.

d) Intervene in 2nd Cycle schools, identifying and justifying intervention strategies based on curricular integration principles.

e) Evaluate the intervention performed, reflecting critically on the process and on the results achieved.


1. Theories and pedagogical models for basic education.

2. The 2nd Cycle curriculum: programs, curriculum goals, regional curriculum Framework.

3. Curriculum, diversity and inclusive education in the 2nd Cycle.

4. Integration and curricular relevance: promoting meaningful learning.

5. The planning of educational activities in the 2nd Cycle - guiding principles, organization and fundamental components.

6. Organization and management of integrated pedagogical intervention projects.

7. The role of the 2nd Cycle teacher in the planning, organization, implementation and evaluation of educational activities.

Teaching Methodologies

This course will be developed through observation of teachers' practices, in pedagogical practice sessions in the host institutions, some of them supervised by UAc teachers and in sessions at the UAc. Within the framework of the adopted training model, the practices observed and carried out by students are subject to the possibility of being the target of systematic study, within the scope of small-scale research cycles, carried out throughout the course in conjunction with other courses, under the leadership of the degree coordinator and other teachers on research field.

Students will be joined in groups of 2. A UAc professor will be responsible for each group, in conjunction of a teacher from the host institution.


Alonso, L. & Sousa, F. (2013). Integração e Relevância Curricular. In F. Sousa, L.

Alonso e M. C. Roldão (Orgs.). Investigação para um Currículo Relevante (pp. 53-72). Lisboa: ME-DEB.

Altet, Marguerite (1999). As Pedagogias da aprendizagem. Lisboa: Instituto Piaget.

Beane, J. (2002). Integração curricular: a concepção do núcleo da educação democrática. Lisboa: Didáctica Editora.

Castanho, M. G. (2005). À Descoberta da Pré-Adolescência: O Desenvolvimento Físico e Psicológico e o Universo da Leitura. Lisboa: Livros Horizonte.

Castanho, M. G. (2001). A Leitura Através do Currículo nas Escolas do 2º Ciclo em Portugal. Tese de Doutoramento. Braga: Universidade do Minho

Dinis, R. (2010). Desenvolvimento curricular integrado na escola: Lógicas de gestão colegial em duas escolas básicas integradas dos Açores. Tese de doutoramento, Universidade dos Açores.

Estrela, A. e Ferreira, J. (Orgs.) (1999). Diversidade e diferenciação em pedagogia.Atas do IX Colóquio da Seção Portuguesa da AFIRSE/AIPELF. Lisboa: AFIRSE.

González, Pedro F. (2002). O Movimento da Escola Moderna. Porto: Porto Editora.

Grave-Resendes, Lídia e Soares, Júlia (2002). Diferenciação Pedagógica.. Lisboa: Universidade Aberta.

Leite, C. (2003). Para uma Escola Curricularmente Inteligente. Porto: ASA.

ME/DGIDC (2010). Programas e Metas curriculares do Ensino Básico.

Perrenoud, Philippe (2000). Pedagogia Diferenciada – Das intenções à acção. Porto Alegre: Artes Médicas do Sul.

Pombo, O., Guimarães, H., M. e Levy, T. (Orgs.) (2006). Interdisciplinaridade –Antologia. Porto: Campo das Letras.

Roldão, M. C. (2012). Currículo, formação e trabalho docente. In L. Santos & A. Favacho (Orgs.), Políticas e práticas curriculares: Desafios contemporâneos (pp. 65-79). Curitiva: CRV.

SREC/DREF. (2011). Referencial Curricular para a Educação Básica na RAA. Angra do Heroísmo: DREF.



ECTS Credits



  • Estágio - 30 hours
  • Orientação Tutorial - 3 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 15 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • caraterização de ambientes educativos e de práticas profissionais : 30%
  • intervenção educativa e reflexão sobre a mesma: 40%
  • planos de ensino e discussão dos mesmos: 30%