Transdisciplinary Education and Civic Training

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To problematize questions and concepts of Education, Citizenship and Civic Education and their dynamic connections to the educational, pedagogical and didactic practices. To reflect on the transverse nature of education and citizenship in school curricula and non-school contexts. To examine (in)visible direction(s) in and of the Information and Knowledge Society, offering master’s students situations and resources for them to develop critical attitudes and discernment, so they can practice – as people, citizens and future teachers – an active and critical citizenship that will enable them to uncover and distinguish in political and other discourses and strategies (in many institutions and sectors) calls for an effective participation or disguised manipulation. To analyze the concepts of multi, inter and transdisciplinarity and their theoretical and practical implications for integrated teaching. To organize tools for teaching practices, learning and evaluation


1. Education and Citizenship.
2. Curricula and syllabuses of all subjects of Pre-School and Elementary School.
3. Education and civic training of Educators and Teachers.
4. Concepts of multidisciplinarity, interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity and their implications in the organization and development of curricula and in the implementation of syllabuses – in a connected, open and systematic way, boosting an Integrated Didactics that generates different modes of teaching and learning knowledge, skills, abilities, attitudes and values in articulated dynamics and in diversified and unified educational epistemology.
5. Educational and pedagogical processes and Integrated Didactics
6. Person, Gender, Curriculum, Citizenship and Civic Education – contexts, identity(ies) and universality(ies).
7. Comprehensive training, personal, cultural and social development, and multidimensional professionalism of Educators and Teachers.
8. Democracy and Citizenship in Contemporaneity

Teaching Methodologies

Methodologies combine the teaching and learning processes, using university pedagogy as the acting reference, in consistency with the education of young adults and students of various backgrounds. A variety of methods is conjugated to facilitate the acquisition and systematization of knowledge in dynamic processes combined with the development of attitudes, skills and abilities. Exposing methods, dialogue, personal and inter-subject questioning, exercises done individually, in groups, writing and interpreting texts and current events, which will constitute a basis for the critical organization of the knowledge, researching several sources in research-learning projects. Evaluation will take into account the attitudes, knowledge, and the ability to research, organize and document knowledge and to problematize, as well as the quality of the oral and written expression. Written Text: 60% Assignments in pairs/group: 40%


Delors, Jacques (1996). [ Coord. de]. Educação, um tesouro a descobrir. Rio Tinto: Edições ASA.
Dufour, Barbara & Maingain, Alain (2008). Abordagens Didáticas da Interdisciplinaridade.
Instituto Piaget. (Coleção Livros Horizontes Pedagógicos).
Foucault, Michel (1997). A Ordem do Discurso. Lisboa: Gradiva.
Medeiros, Emanuel Oliveira (2009) [Coord.] Educação, Cultura(s) e Cidadania. Porto: Edições Afrontamento.
MORIN, Edgar (1999). La tête bien faite . Paris: Éditions du Seuil. Trad. port. (2002). Repensar a Reforma. Reformar o Pensamento. A Cabeça Bem Feita. Lisboa: Instituto Piaget.
Perrenoud, Philippe (2002). A escola e a aprendizagem da democracia. Porto: Edições ASA.
Pombo, Olga; Guimarães; Levy, Teresa (2006).[Organização de]. Interdisciplinaridade. Antologia. Porto: Campo das Letras Editores.
Valadares, Maria Luísa (2002). Transversalidade da Língua Portuguesa. Lisboa: Edições ASA.



ECTS Credits



  • Orientação Tutorial - 6 hours
  • Teóricas - 15 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 45 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Frequency: 60%
  • Individual and/or Group Work: 40%