Deontological Education and Teaching

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- To know, from a problem solving point of view, the concepts of education, moral, deontology, rights and duties;
- To reflect on the centrality of axiological issues in the educational process and in pedagogic relations;
- To analyze the deontological dimension as a basic and integrating element of the profile of full time employment, identity and professional development of the educator and the teacher;
- To clarify ethical and deontological dilemmas identified in educational practice;
- To analyze the factors that contribute and/or difficult the development, in autonomy, of professional conscience, in an ethical and deontological horizon;
- To reflect on the educator and the teacher as a person, citizen and (future) professional and its deontological
implications, right from the beginning of the learning process;
- To properly base – in a reflective and critical manner – the importance, nuclear and decisive, of ethics and deontology for the professional career.


1. Autonomy, Education, Moral, Professional Deontology;
2. Education and learning paradigms of the educators and the teachers;
3. Autonomy; Career Deontology and Educational Axiology;
4. A ethical co-responsibility of the various players in the education process;
5. To be a Teacher: a profession, vocation, a mission?;
6. Career Deontology and other professions;
7. The problems of the rights and the duties of the students and other educational intervenients;
8. The School as a space of moral development, values and ethical compromises, aiming a promoting the Person as an ethic Subject;
9. Ethical and Deontological dimension of evaluation;
10. Care as an attitude and educational category; Deontology;
11. Educational Ethics and Professional Development;: an attitude and permanent (re)construction in the initial learning of the career and in education throughout a lifetime.

Teaching Methodologies

The methodologies bring together the learning and teaching processes, taking as acting reference a university pedagogy, in coherence with the education of young adults and students of all ages, in short paths, conceptual knowledge and experience. Various methods come together in order to facilitate the acquisition of knowledge and the development of attitudes, competencies and capacities. Exposition methods, dialogue, personal and interpersonal questioning; individual work, in pairs, in groups, involving the whole class, writing and text analysis. Analysis of ethical deontological dilemmas in the practice of teaching and learning.

Evaluation: individual work, in pairs and in groups, in writing, including presentation and questioning amongst the students and the teacher.


Dias, José Ribeiro (2002). 30 Anos de Formação de Professores em Portugal. In Revista de Educação.
Departamento de Educação da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa. Volume XI, Nº 1.
Medeiros, Emanuel Oliveira (1998). Intersubjectividade e Ética Educacional: um Encontro na Relação Pedagógica. In
Dias, José Ribeiro & Araújo, Alberto [Organizadores] Filosofia da Educação. Temas e Problemas. Actas do I
Encontro Nacional de Filosofia da Educação. Braga: Universidade do Minho.
Monteiro, Agostinho Reis (2002). Proposições para uma Deontologia da Educação. In Revista de Educação.
Departamento de Educação da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa. Volume XI, Nº 1.
Patrício, Manuel Ferreira (1993). Lições de Axiologia Educacional. Lisboa: Universidade Aberta.
Veiga, Manuel Alte (1996). Identidade e Deontologia em Educação In Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia. Braga.



ECTS Credits



  • Orientação Tutorial - 6 hours
  • Teóricas - 15 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 45 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • According to Teaching Methods: 100%