Fundamentals of Electrical Power Systems

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Introduce the concept of electric power system (EPS) and become familiar with its purpose and structure. Understand the behaviourand functioning of EPS main components. Model components behaviour and their steady-state interactions for typical EPS analysis situations.


Characterisation of electric power generation and consumption: concepts of energy and power in AC systems. The electric power system as a balanced three-phase AC system: modelling three-phase transformers, synchronous and induction machines, and
transmission lines. Introduction to power systems analysis: simplified solution approaches to power-flow (DC model) and short-circuits (symmetrical faults) analysis problems.

Teaching Methodologies

The teaching methodologies aim to promote learning based on the reflection about the formal aspects of mathematical modelling of the physical phenomena underlying the behaviour of system components (Theoretical classes), supported by the validation of the mathematical models in laboratory environment (Laboratory classes) and in their use in solving practical engineering problems(Problem classes).
The assessment model incorporates elements of continuous assessment in the context of active learning (eg, Quizzes in Problem classes, Reports in Laboratory classes) compatible with the significant reduction in the weight of assessment by exams (50%).


Redes de Energia Eléctrica : uma Análise Sistémica. , José Pedro Sucena Paiva, 2005, IST Press; Exercícios de Redes e Sistemas de Energia Elétrica, Rui Castro e Eduarda Pedro, 2013, IST Press; Electric Energy Systems Theory: an Introduction, Olle I. Elgerd, 1982,McGraw-Hill; Power System Analysis, John J. Grainger and William D. Stevenson, 1994, McGraw-Hill



ECTS Credits



  • Práticas e Laboratórios - 21 hours
  • Teóricas - 28 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Conforme Métodos de Ensino: 100%