Electronic Circuits

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Provide knowledge of the most commonly used basic electronic devices and circuits in today's technology


1) Analog Basic Devices and Circuits.
1.1) Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT).
1.2) Single-stage basic amplifiers; small-signal models; frequency response.
1.3) MOS-FET Field Effect Transistor.
2) Differential and Multistage Amplifiers
2.1) Cascode.
2.2) Current sources
2.3) Differential pair.
2.4) Output stages.
2.5) Structure of an operational or transconductance amplifier (OPAMP and OTA).
2.6) Thermal properties of devices.
2.7) Other power and optoelectronic electronic devices.
3) NMOS and CMOS logical families.
3.1) NMOS logic gates.
3.2) CMOS logic gates (primitive, complex, passing, 3-state tri-state logic).
4) Introduction to the Design of Digital Electronic Systems.
4.1) Design flow of digital systems.
4.2) FPGA Architectures.
4.3) Logic circuit description languages.

Teaching Methodologies

50% continuous evaluation / 50% non-continuous evaluation


Circuitos com Transistores Bipolares e MOS, 5ª edição, M. M. Silva, 2013, Fundação C. Gulbenkian; Microelectronic Circuits, 7thedition, S. Sedra and K. C. Smith , 2014, Oxford University Press



ECTS Credits



  • Práticas e Laboratórios - 21 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 28 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • According to Teaching Methods: 100%