Materials Sciense

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The student should be able:
- to predict the main properties of materials and their relations to structure;
- to select a material for a specific engineering application.


1. Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering
2. Raw materials
3. Mechanical properties of materials
4. Composite materials
5. Crystalline structure of materials
6. Polymeric materials
7. Solidification
8. Atomic diffusion in solids
9. Phase diagrams
10. Ferrous alloys
11. Nonferrous alloys
12. Other properties of materials

Teaching Methodologies

Teaching methodologies (including students' assessment):
The evaluation comprises two parts: written assessment 3 mini-tests during classes (40%) and final exam (60%). The minimum
grade of each test is 8.0 values (in a 0 - 20 scale) and the minimum grade in the evaluation is 9.5 values (in a 0 - 20 scale)


"Materials Science and Engineering. An Introduction", William D. Callister Jr e David G. Rethwisch, 2018, 10ª edição. John Wiley &
Sons.; "Materials Science and Engineering", William F. Smith e Javad Hashemi, 2018, 6ª edição. Mc Graw-Hill; "Materials.
Engineering, Science, Processing and Design", Michael Ashby, Hugh Shercliff e David Cebon,, 2019, 4ª edição. Butterworth-Heinemann



ECTS Credits



  • Práticas e Laboratórios - 28 hours
  • Teóricas - 28 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • According to Teaching Methods: 100%