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Esta cadeira introduz os alunos aos princípios básicos do empreendedorismo. Pretende-se que desenvolvam um conjunto de competências que lhes permita alargar a sua compreensão e posterior adaptação ao tecido empresarial, quer ao nível da integração no mercado de trabalho, quer pela possibilidade de criação de um negócio e, obviamente, do seu próprio emprego.

Neste contexto, pretende-se dotar os alunos:

  1. Do quadro conceptual subjacente ao empreendedorismo e ao espírito empresarial;
  2. Do conhecimento acerca dos passos necessários para criar uma empresa assente num negócio com valor acrescentado;
  3. Das principais ferramentas para a avaliação dos riscos e dos recursos necessários à criação das empresas e dos negócios;
  4. Do conhecimento das principais formas de financiar projetos de investimento.


1. Undertake and Innovate in the 21st Century
1.1. Entrepreneurship versus intrapreneurship
1.2. Types of Entrepreneurship
1.3. Profile (intra)entrepreneur
1.4. (intra)entrepreneurial skills
1.5. Creativity
1.6. Types of innovation
1.7. Myths of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
1.8. New business paradigms

2. Business model
2.1. Business model versus business plan
2.2. attractiveness
2.3. Feasibility
2.4. Viability
2.5. Adaptability (environment)

3. Design and test business models
3.1. Design Thinking
3.2. customer development
3.3. lean startup
3.4. design cycle
3.5. test cycle

4. Finance for start-ups
4.1. Basic concepts
4.2. Financing
4.3. Pitch to investors

5. Leadership, teams and organizational culture
5.1. Motivation
5.2. Leadership
5.3. Organizational culture

Teaching Methodologies

The Curricular Unit has a total of 42 hours of theoretical-practical contact. In addition to the expository method, the presentation and discussion of practical cases will be privileged, with a focus on the interaction between the teacher and the students and between the students themselves. For this purpose, the following will be used:
- Computer and projector;
- Video case studies;
- Participation of entrepreneurs in class, to share practical experience;
- Canvanizer Platform (www.canvanizer.com);
- Strategyzer Platform (www.strategyzer.com):
- Business Model Map (A3) and Value Proposition Map (A3) and post-its.


Bland, D. & Osterwalder, A. (2019). Testing Business Ideas (1st edition). Wiley.
Mastrogiacomo, S. & Osterwalder, A. (2021). High-Impact Tools for Teams (1st edition). Wiley.
Osterwalder, A. & Pigneur, Y. (2014). Criar Modelos de Negócio (6.ª edição). D. Quixote.
Osterwalder, A., Pigneur, Y., Bernarda, G. & Smith, A. (2015). Criar Propostas de Valor (1.ª edição). D. Quixote.
Osterwalder, A., Pigneur, Y., Etiembe, F. & Smith, A. (2020). The invincible company (1st edition). Wiley.



ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 12 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 30 hours