Comunicação e Desenvolvimento Pessoal e Profissional

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• Reflect on the process of personal and professional development;
• Identify strategies that promote personal and professional development;
• Develop effective relationship/communication skills;
• Promote scientific interest and curiosity in discovering multiculturalism.


Personal and professional development

  • Personal, social and professional identity;
  • Individual, family and community responsibility;
  • Educate for optimism.

Access to the labor market – challenges and opportunities

  • Lifelong training.

Strategies to promote well-being

  • Relaxation techniques;
  • Physical exercise;
  • Sleep hygiene;
  • Healthy food.

Interpersonal relationship - Basic principles

  • Effective communication

. with the client;
. in the company;
. with other companies/entities.


  • Cultural diversity, fashion, science and fruit and vegetables;
  • Valuing local culture in a context of globalization (Azores brand).

Teaching Methodologies

Based on the principles of adult education and training, the methodology used will imply the co-responsibility of the student and their active participation throughout this stage of their training process. To this end, the students will be asked about the contents, the teaching and assessment methodologies to be used, so those expressed may undergo changes.
There will be moments of construction and analysis of knowledge through a dynamic that is intended to instill in its development through theoretical and theoretical/practical sessions. Dialogue and exposition of ideas will be encouraged, the performance of critical analyzes related to the defined focuses in order to stimulate critical thinking, through the analysis and reflection of texts, practical cases (selected by the teacher or students), dramatizations, guided works in small groups that will be presented and discussed in the classroom, using the audiovisuals inherent to each situation. Whenever appropriate, they will participate in events that subjects contribute to enrichment and complementarity of themes and guests from areas under discussion will participate. Students will be guided towards autonomous study through bibliographic, documentary and basic research of data.


.Derrick, F. (2020). Entrevista de emprego: O guia definitivo para preparar, impressionar, pesquisar e responder a cada pergunta da
maneira certa. Efalon Acies.
.Fialho, J. (2017). A construção da identidade social e profissional através da ação das redes de sociabilidade laboral. Revista
Argumentos, v.14, n.1, p. 138-162, jan/jun.
.Freire, João (Organizador) (2009). Trabalho e relações laborais. Lisboa, Imprensa de Ciências Sociais.
.Goleman D. (2010). Inteligência Emocional. Lisboa: Temas e Debates.
.Matthew, W. (2020). Porque Dormimos? O que nos diz a ciência sobre o sono e os sonhos. Lisboa; Desassossego.
.Minicucci, A. (2012). Relações Humanas: Psicologia das relações interpessoais. Porto, Editora Atlas.
.Payne, R. (2003). Técnicas de relaxamento. 2ªed. Camarate: Lusociência
.Pereira, B. & Carvalho, G. (2018). Atividade física, saúde e lazer. Modelos de análise e intervenção. Lisboa, Porto: Lidle.
Rego, Arménio (2016). Comunicação Pessoal e Organizacional – Teoria e Prática. 4.ª edição. Lisboa: Edições Silabo.
.Prieto, G. (2020). Comunicação Eficaz: teoria e prática da comunicação humana. Lisboa: Almedina.



ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 12 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 30 hours