Clinical Teaching in Primary Health Care / Hospital II

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In this curricular unit, the student begins the development of skills in the provision of autonomous and interdependent care in a hospital context, in the units of medicine and surgery, general or specialty, paediatrics or in the context of primary health care, in the areas of maternal health, child health, adult and elderly health, family and community, using the knowledge obtained in the preceding curricular units.

Teaching Methodologies

Considering the achievement of the proposed objectives, the pedagogical team considered appropriate the use of the following teaching/learning methods: i. The interactive method in clinical teaching. ii. The observation participated in the execution of nursing care in the units where they carry out the clinical teaching. iii. The training of manual dexterity through the execution of nursing techniques, in the laboratory and in the units where they carry out the clinical teaching. iv. The analysis, discussion and reflection of clinical cases, questions, and ethical dilemmas. v. Learning by discovery


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ECTS Credits



  • Outras / Ens. Clínico - 380 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Evaluation of student contact - pedagogical supervisor: 20%
  • Performance Evaluation in Clinical Education: 65%
  • Sheet suitable for another activity: 15%