Anatomy and Histology

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Under the Anatomy-Histology UC, it is intended that students acquire a set of anatomical and histological oriented concepts about the Human Body correlating knowledge of the structure and functions which the cell can perform. The learning process regard the understanding of cell differentiation/integration in more complex units like tissues, organs and systems and their contribution to a given effect. It is intended to promote a responsible autonomus learning process by observation (macro/microscopic anatomical models and histological preparations) and application of concepts based on detailed protocols for the development of skills such as acuity in the comments macro/microscopic; Agility to safely identify and shape accuracy/constitution cellular and tissue, organs and human body systems; Sensitivity to correlate accurately macro and microscopic aspects of Human tissues, organs and body systems.


1. Anatomy/Histology as areas of science, objectives of their study/interconnection

2. Regional Anatomy/Topographic, systematic, surface or Radiological

3. Basic Tissues of the Human Body; Locomotor system: osteology; arthrology and myology

4. Nervous System: Functional unit and anatomical/histological organization of the central and peripheral nervous system

5. Eendocrine system: anatomical and histological organization

6. Cutaneous system: histological description

7. Respiratory system: anatomical and histological organization

8. Cardiovascular system: anatomical and histological organization

9. Blood and hematopoiesis

10. Immune system: anatomical and histological organization

11. Reproductive system: anatomical and histological organization

12. Urinary system: anatomical and histological Organization

13. Digestive System: anatomical and histological organization of the digestive system

14. Laboratory program: thematic work. The microscope slides and analysis of anatomical models

Teaching Methodologies

The teaching of Anatomy, Histology discipline intended to be a hybrid education (B-learning) face to face (mostly) but complemented with tutorial teaching using an e-learning platform. Students are challenged to investigate, discuss and find solutions to problems learning not only what they are told specifically to, but it is expected that curiosity/interest awaken occur leading to autonomous and responsible learning.


Seeley Stephens Tate. Anatomia & Fisiologia + Guia de Estudo. 8ª Edição (Lusociência). 2011. ISBN: 0-697-41107-9

K. J. Moll, M. Moll. Atlas de Anatomia. 4ª Edição (Lusociência). ISBN: 9789728930080

Luiz Carlos Uchôa Junqueira. Histologia Básica - Texto e Atlas. 11ª Edição (Guanabara). ISBN: 9788527723114

Michael H. Ross, Wojciech Pawlina Histology -a text and atlas 6ª Edição (Guanabara Koogan). ISBN: 9788527720663

Sites (disponíveis na plataforma Moodle no ambiente da UC de Anatomia-Histologia/available on the Moodle platform in the UC of Anatomy-Histology)

.Net Anatomy

.Atlas de Anatomia

.Atlas de Histologia

.Biblioteca Virtual

.Direct Anatomy



ECTS Credits



  • Práticas e Laboratórios - 26 hours
  • Teóricas - 39 hours