General and Inorganic Chemistry

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The objectives established for General and Inorganic Chemistry are essentially related to its elementary, generalist and pedagogical supporting role, but its lecturing and development will be a consequence of the specific knowledge level exhibited by the students and their subsequent evolution. However, some of the most important objectives are:

1. Revision, uniformity and consolidation of basic and essential chemical knowledge.

2. Systematization of concepts and development of identification, interpretation and resolution skills regarding problems and situations related to chemical phenomena or reactions.

3. Acquisition of advanced knowledge in distinct chemical areas, whenever possible with a pharmaceutical perspective.

4. Acquisition of practical skills including: handling equipment and laboratory supplies and on the execution of unitary operations.

5. Motivation of students to the need of a complementary auto-didactic formation.


Theoretical classes

1. Atoms, molecules and ions.

2. Chemical reactions I: chemical equations and reactions in aqueous solutions.

3. Chemical reactions II: Stoichiometry.

4. Chemical bonding.

5. Intermolecular forces and states of the matter.

6. Solutions.

7. Chemical equilibrium.

8. Bioinorganic systems.

Practical-theoretical classes:

Resolution of practical problems involving the subject matters lectured in the theoretical classes. Laboratorial classes: Laboratory equipment. Security in the Laboratory. Units and measurements. SI units. Execution of several experiments in order to familiarize the students with laboratorial practices and to improve their skills in dealing with chemical processes:

1. Preparation of standard solutions

2. Preparation of non-standard solutions

3. Crystallization of a pharmaceutical product

4. Determination of the solubility curve of KNO3

5. Preparation and purification of KNO3

6. Structure and reaction of inorganic solids

7. Chemical equilibrium per

Teaching Methodologies

The UC General and Inorganic Chemistry is taught using lectures, practical and laboratory. The lectures aim to present and discuss the materials that make up the syllabus of the course. The practical classes will be used for clarification of doubts and to solve practical problems in line with the subjects taught in the lectures. Laboratory classes will be used to perform a predefined set of works, whose selection is related to the materials that make up the theoretical program.


Chang, R (2007). Química. Portugal. McGraw-Hill.

Reger, D., Goode, S., Mercer, E. (1997) Química: Princípios e Aplicações. Portugal. Fundação C. Gulbenkian.

Russell, J.B., (1994). Química Geral (vol I e II). Portugal. McGraw Hill.

Silberberg, M.S., P. (2006). Chemistry: The Molecular Nature of Matter and Change. USA. McGraw Hill.



ECTS Credits



  • Práticas e Laboratórios - 26 hours
  • Teóricas - 26 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 13 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Laboratory component: 25%
  • Theoretical and practical component: 75%