Elementary Mathematics

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1. To acquire a positive attitude towards Mathematics;
2. Consolidate knowledge of numbers, numerical sets, elementary arithmetic operations and their algorithms;
3. Understand, resolve and apply the equations and equations of the 1st degree with a variable;
4. Be able to equate real problems;
5. Develop problem-solving capability;
6. To demonstrate the necessary basis for the application and continuation of mathematical studies.


1. Numbers
1.1. Numeric sets
1.2. Comparison of numbers
1.3. Multiplication table
1.4. Basic operations with numbers
1.5. Priority of operations
1.6. Operations with negative integers
1.7. Operations with fractions
1.8. Operations with decimal numbers
1.9. Exponents: Concept, properties and operations
1.10. Roots: Concept, properties and operations
1.11. Numerical expressions
2. Equations and equations of 1st degree: notion and terminology
3. Interpretation of mathematical problems
3.1. Interpretation and equation of problems
3.2. Problem solving
3.3. Analysis of troubleshooting

Teaching Methodologies

The themes are presented in theoretical-practical classes, using computer means whenever justified. The methodology adopted privileges the active participation of students. The themes are presented, discussed and developed through the placement of problems and real situations, as well as the individual resolution of work sheets. Whenever possible, the use of manipulative materials, games, or other means that can clarify and benefit students in their acquisition, consolidation and development of mathematical skills will be used. In order to consolidate the learning of concepts, students are provided with work sheets with exercises, as well as all support material for classes. The UC will benefit from the use of the Moodle learning management platform available at the UAc, thus enhancing the performance of asynchronous activities.

The evaluation is based on 2 written frequency tests (45% each), individual or group work.(10%), and exercise sheets (formative assessment).


- D’ Augustine, C. H., Métodos Modernos para o ensino a Matemática, Ao Livro Técnico S.A,1987

- Monteiro, E.,  O corpo dos números reais - exercícios, Coimbra Ed, 1981

- Palhares, P. (Coordenação), Complementos de Matemática para Professores do Ensino Básico, Lidel Edições Técnicas, 2011

- Palhares, P. (Coordenação), Elementos de Matemática para Professores do Ensino Básico, Lidel Edições Técnicas, 2004

- Walle, J. A. V., Matemática no Ensino Fundamental, Artmed, 2009



ECTS Credits



  • Orientação Tutorial - 6 hours
  • Teóricas - 15 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 45 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Frequência 1 : 25%
  • Frequência 2: 30%
  • Frequência 3: 45%