General Pathology II

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The aims of this unity are to transmit informat ion about the etiopathogeny of inflammatory response and cancer. This knowledge involves the study of molecular and cellular factors. This unity is the link between the basic sciences and clinical unities, and follows General Pathology I.


Tissue respon se to damage: acute, chronic, and granulomatous inflammation. Hypersensitivity reactions. Tissue repair: regeneration, healing (granulation tissue and scar formation) and repair abnormalities. Circulatory disorders (congestion, haemorrhage, thrombosis, infarction, IDC, embolism, shock, oedema). Post mortem alterations. Cellular disorders of differentiation and preneoplastic lesions. Neoplasia (Nomenclature and biology of tumor growth.
Molecular basis of cancer; aetiology, progression, spread (metastasis cascade and homing), tumour kinetics and hallmarks of cancer. Tumour immunology.

Teaching Methodologies

Thematic theoretical presentation in a expository for m and interaction with students encouraging the discussion and connection of different knowledge.
The practice content is made with th e presentation of the lesions learned in theoretical classes, either respecting to macro or microscopic aspects. The students are encouraged to make the application of its theoretical knowledge and the application of correct technical and medical terminology. The use of microscop is fundamental.
Writing theoretic evaluation (50%). Observation of histologic slides (50%).


Atlas de Patologia Veterinária. Maria dos Anjos Pire s, Fátima Gartner e Fernanda Seixas Travassos
Robbins & Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease. Vinay Kumar, Nelso Fausto and Abul Abbas
Pathologic Basis of Veterinary Disease. M. Donald McGavin and James F. Zachary



ECTS Credits



  • Orientação Tutorial - 2 hours
  • Práticas e Laboratórios - 21 hours
  • Teóricas - 15 hours