Nutrition and Food

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It is intended to equip students with knowledg e on 1) the nature, origin and functions of nutrients provided by food 2) methodologies of digestibility and nutritive evaluation of feeds, 3) factors that affect the digestive and metabolic utilization of food nutrients 4) the principles and methodologies for estimating food requirements for various animal species based on dietary recommendations reference systems 5) major food sources and additives.
It is expected that students should be able to 1) identify nutrient required for each species, 2) identify major food sources, 3) choose the most suitable foods to incorporate into diets according to species / physiological stage / production level of animals, 4) interpret tables of nutritive value of feeds and of nutrient requirements. 


I THEORETICA L: Objectives of the study of animal nutrition and feeding; food analysis; nutrients and their functions in the animal body; review on the digestive systems; factors affecting digestibility; partition of food energy within he animal body; animal calorimetry; methods for estimating heat production and energy retention; systems for xpressing the energy value and protein value of foods; food intake; feeding standards.

II PRACTICAL: proximate analysis of foods; Van Soest methods of fibre analy sis; specific determinations; in vivo digestibility measurements; methods for estimating digestibility; classification and nutritional characteristics of oods; tables of chemical composition and food value; food additives; handling of tables of feeding standards.

Teaching Methodologies

Multi-media projection is used in order to expose an d discussed theoretical concepts of the subjects presented in the syllabus. When possible, experimental data obtained at the UTAD is used as examples. In practical lectures, students observed the current animal feedstuffs, and the main laboratory methodologies execution to assess the nutritive value of animal feedstuffs. Calculations on feed chemical composition parameters, digestibility coefficients, energy partition, nutrient needs and basic calculation on feed formulation. Students can also request tutorial lessons

1. Conditions necessary for approval
a) Frequency to a minimum of 70% of classroom teaching summarized, irrespective of their type;
b) Conducting 2 quizzes issues discussed in theoretical and practical classes (50% each in final g rade)
The final rate FR = (Quizze 1+ Quizze 2)/2. It is required a minimum grade of 8.5 in the quizzes, but avera ge must be >9.5.


Animal Nutrition. 7th edition. McDonald, P., Edward s, R.A., Greenhalgh, et al. (2011)
Several publications on Feeding standards (NRC, AFRC, INRA)
Canine and feline nutrition, 3th ed. Linda Case et al. (2011)



ECTS Credits



  • Orientação Tutorial - 3.5 hours
  • Práticas e Laboratórios - 28 hours
  • Teóricas - 30 hours