Classical genetics, Quantitative and Population

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To provide an integrated vision of Mendelian G enetics and Quantitative Genetics focused in the heritability concept (h2) in order to give a scientific base for animal breeding. To present an evolutionary perspective based in knowledge supplied by Population Genetics and Cytogenetics.


Theoretical cl asses:
1. Introduction
2. Inheritance b asics
3. Multiple alleles
4. Variability of ge ne effect
5. Gene interaction and epis tasis
6. Sexual determinism

7. Sex-linked inheritance
8. Lethal genes and hered opathology
9. Linkage and eukaryotes and prokar yotes mapping
10. Cytogenetics
11. Quantitative G enetics
12. Population Genetics
Practical classes:
1. Handling Drosop hila melanogaster
2. Dihybridism
3. Sex-linked in heritance
4. Population genetics wit h and without selection
5. Karyotypes
Two or three o f the practical works listed above will be selected in accordance with biological material availability.
Theoretical-practical classes:
Resolution of exercises

Teaching Methodologies

The theoretical lectures are presented with power po int presentations. Classes PDFs are previously published in the SIDE platform. In the classes, in addition to the exhibition by the professor, the discussion of the various syllabuses is promoted and the students are encouraged to submit their questions.
The practical classes consist mainly in the application and consolidat ion of theoretical concepts by performing experimental protocols. The works are held in groups of 3 to 4 students. Theoretical-practical classes with resolution of exercises will also be taug ht in order to complement the theoretical classes. After an introductory explanation by the professor the students analyze and discuss the results obtained. The evaluation of this CU is made exclusively by Examination (Mode 3). The previous registration in SIDE for any on e of the tests listed above is obligatory.


Elrod, S. and Stansfield, W. (2010). Genetics (Schau m's Outline Series) (5th Edition).
Hartl, D.L. (2000). A Primer of Population Genetics (3rd Edition).
Klug, W.; Cummings, M.; Spencer, C.A. and Palladino, M. (2012). Concepts of Genetics (10th Edition).
Nicholas, F.W. (2009). Introduction to Veterinary Genetics (3rd edition).
Pierce, B.A. (2013). Genetics: A conceptual approach (5 th Edition).



ECTS Credits



  • Orientação Tutorial - 3.5 hours
  • Práticas e Laboratórios - 28 hours
  • Teóricas - 30 hours