Anatomy II

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The signature of anatomy II aims the integrated study of the head osteology, miology and arthrology . We also intend that the students apprehend basic knowledge of the structure and nomenclature of the central nervous system and sense organs. This course is also intended to provide a comprehensive overview of the nervous system, with a particular emphasis on topics relevant to clinical neurosciences.


Embryonic development of the skull and face. Description of the skull and face skeleton. Clinical considerations. Arthrology and myology of the head. Irrigation, innervation, venous drainage and lymphatic system of the head. Central nervous system. Embryology of the nervous system. Spinal cord: External configuration and topography. Vascularization. Morphofunctional organization. The brain stem: Morphology. Nuclei of cranial nerves. Nuclei of the brain stem. Peripheral nervous system. Cranial nerves: apparent cranial nerves origin. Cerebellum: Morphological Configuration. Brain: Paleopallium, neopallium and archipallium. Meninges and fluid environment. Autonomic nervous system. Sympathetic and parasympathetic systems. Sense organs: Embryology and Anatomy of the ear. Embryonic development of the eye. Anatomy of the eye. Endocrine system.

Teaching Methodologies

The lectures will be like masterful, with exposure of the subjects by the teacher, encouraging the participation and involvement of students.
In practical classes, it is intended that the student plays a key role in stimulating the learning process. Thus students will be encouraged to collect their own teaching materials and organize their learning process.
Are only allowed on assessment modes students that :
-are enrolled at course in the academic year;
-have a registration in SIDE prior to testing;
Theoretical assessment: two periodic evaluations- the student approves with the minimum values of 9.0 in each;
Practical assessment: will take place during the practical classes.
student may be evaluated by MODE 2 at the subject that he does not approve on continuous evaluation.


CLIMENT, S., SARASA, M., MUNIESA, P., LATORRE, R. (2005). Manual de anatomía y embriología de los animales
domésticos: Miembro torácico y miembro pelviano. Sistema circulatorio. Esqueleto da cabeza.
CLIMENT, S., SARASA, M., MUNIESA, P., LATORRE, R. (2005). Manual de anatomía y embriología de los animales
domésticos Sistema nervoso central y órganos de los sentidos.
DYCE KM, SACK WO, WENSING CJG (2002).Textbook of veterinary anatomy.
Done, H.S.; Goody, P.C.; Evans, S.A.; Stickland, N.C. (2002). Atlas colorido de Anatomia Veterinária do cão e do gato.
SCHALLER, OSKAR (1992). Illustrated Veterinary Anatomical Nomenclature.



ECTS Credits



  • Orientação Tutorial - 4 hours
  • Práticas e Laboratórios - 42 hours
  • Teóricas - 30 hours