General Agriculture, Ecology and Environmental Management

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To understand the fundamental concepts in the scope of Ecosystem Dynamics, evaluation, monitoring and rectification of environmental quality, such as environmental stress, ecological integrity, bioindicators, adaptation and evolution. To apply these concepts in the evaluation of the great and actual environmental issues with a focus in their multifaceted perspective, in biological, environmental and anthropological terms. Students should get basic knowledge on: - relations between farming and the environment and on agricultural and livestock production systems;- how to establish, conduct and utilize the main crops of fodder and pastures.


The concept of Ecosystem Ecological Integrity and the respective context. The concept of Environmental Stress. The operational concept of Ecosystem. Considerations of scale and hierarchy. The notions of Community and Population in the Ecosystem Dynamics study. Indicators and monitoring for ecosystem integrity. Bioindicators of the quality of water, soil and air. Extreme environments and adaptation. Genetic variation and environmental stress. Environmental stress, selection, evolution and extinction. Air pollution. Toxic elements. Acidification. Forest decline. Eutrophication. Pesticides. Species richness. Ecotoxicology. Environmental management. Dinamic Modelling. Sustainable agricultural systems; structure and organization; components, factors and properties. Agricultural techniques used for main productions intended for animal consumption; forage conservation and utilization - haymaking and silage; major risks of toxicity and antinutritional substances.

Teaching Methodologies

The syllabus presentation is done using audiovisual means to show figures and tables with systematized information. In practicals, a protocol is provided to the student with the objectives,description of the work, results and conclusions to obtain and the bibliography to consult. When applied to contexts relating to eco-environmental management, the formation emphasized the relevance of the Applied Ecology component. In such applications of the concepts, the formation allowed the basic rules for ecological management, namely in terms of the main requirements and speed of reliable assessment results. In the pratical lessons the students apply different protocols in the scope of LC50 determination and sub-letal effects. They work with software associated to environmental management and dynamic modelling. Specific installations for the application of the protocols and software given by the professor. Continuous assessment: 2 written tests, works and participation; Final examination


Freedman, B.. Environmental Ecology.
Jørgensen, S.E., Costanza, R., & Xu, F. Handbook of Ecological Indicators for Assessment of Ecosystem Health.
Woodley, S., Kay, J., & George, F.. Ecological Integrity and the Management of Ecosystems.



ECTS Credits



  • Orientação Tutorial - 2 hours
  • Práticas e Laboratórios - 14 hours
  • Teóricas - 20 hours
  • Trabalho de Campo - 4 hours