Nutrition and Animal Nutrition

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The Nutrition and Animal Feed class should show how animals use the food offered to them to maintain their healthy state and to perform various physiological and production functions. 

1. Valuing the main categories of nutrients: water, protein, fat, minerals, vitamins and interrelations, existing conflicts and complementarities between them;

2. Mastering the concepts on the practical nutrition major domestic animals in the various stages;

3. Relate the diversity of food in the balance of its components and its valuation opportunities among the higher animals and know the general principles of qualitative assessment of each food class;

4. Identify the main elements of the food value of each food class: general composition, digestibility, and intake;

5. Apply the general principles of food analysis and know-how to interpret analytical results.


Information available soon.

Teaching Methodologies

The proposed program will be the basis for the teaching of theoretical and theoretical-practical lectures. The lectures as a means of presentation, analysis, and discussion of themes, should as far as possible, interconnect with the practical reality.


According to the curriculum of the Degree Course in Agricultural Sciences at the University of the Azores, the lecture period of each semester is 12 ECTS, which corresponds to 4 hours of lectures and 4 hours of practical classes, weekly and 120 hours of contact.


The assessment of students' knowledge, according to the proposed objectives, is a periodic review process in which students are subject to at least two evaluation elements, one of which is necessarily written.

The exam papers, whose classification is expressed on a numerical scale from zero to twenty, consist of a written test. Students who obtain the written test a weighted average of at least ten values are approved


Information available soon.



ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 60 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 60 hours