1. Characterization of the agricultural, animal, forestry and agroforestry agroecosystems
2. Acquire competence in the most relevant farming practices, namely soil till, fertilization, seeding, plant protection and harvest practices.
3. To be able to calculate the performance of farm equipment, the power of traction ant the size of the equipment that may be engaged to it. Optimize the use of farm equipment.
1. Environmental management
2. Agricultural production systems
3. Animal production systems
4. Forestry production systems
5. Agroforestry production systems
6. Agricultural management
6.1 The use of farm equipment
6.2 Soil till and preparation
6.3 Fertilization
6.4 Seeding and planting
6.5 Crop protection
6.6 Harvest and conservation
Theoretical classes in all chapters
Theoretical-practical and practical classes in chapters 6.2-6.6.
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Briosa, F. 1984. Glossário Ilustrado de mecanização Agrícola. Lisboa
Daniels, P.W., Helms, U.E., Baker, F.S., 1982. Princípios de Silvicultura. MacGraw Hill
Loomis, R.S., Connor, D.J., 2002. Ecologia de cultivos – Productividad y manejo en sistemas agrarios. Ediciones Mundi-Prensa
Mazoyer, M., Rondart, L., 1988. História das agriculturas do mundo. Instituto Piaget
Nair, R., 1993. An Introduction to Agroforestry. Kluwer Academic Publishers. Dordrecht
Ortiz-Cañavate, J. 1980. Las Maquinas Agricolas y su Aplicacion. Ediciones Mundi-Prensa
Steinfeld, H.,Gerber, P., Wassenaar, T., Castel, V., Rosales, M., Haan, C,, 2006. Livestock’s long shadow – environmental issues and options. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome